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While Reiji and I walked down the hall, he asked "so....are you adopted?"

I nodded and he asked "What happened to your parents?"

"They abandoned me when I was a baby" I bluntly said

"Then how did yo-" before he continued I cut him off

"It is slightly rude to ask such questions on our first meeting" I said

He tensed up "I'm terribly sorry.... anyway this is your room"

He opened it and it showed a black and white room, Thank goodness it's not pink, I walked in and he handed me a uniform "this is your uniform, you will be attending night school, be ready in 10 minutes, now if you will excuse me,I will go give the other one to that stupid woman" He said about to leave

"Thank you very much Reiji, I hope she does not cause you more trouble than she already has" I said and bowed, he nodded and I closed the door

I went to the bathroom and changed to my uniform but instead of knee-high white socks, I wore black stocking

I took the time to comb my hair since there was 9 minutes left

(Reiji's p.o.v)

Shiro is such a good mortal, well-mannered, gentle, pretty.......wait.. back to what I was thinking...I can't believe the stupid mortal is somehow related to her

I'm done with givin the stupid mortal her uniform and am now heading down stairs to wait for the others

Not long after Shiro came, she was early so I asked "Shiro, it's just been 3 minutes since I left you, why so early?"

She smiled, so beautiful, "If I had come by your given time, then that would mean you will wait here alone for so long"

I felt my heart beat, who knew I had one, no one really cared for me, I just cared for myself, even the other sacrificial brides before them didn't and if they did, they'd pretend and being me, I saw right through them, but Shiro, her smile, her eyes, it's true, there's no lie in it whatsoever

"Reiji?" I snapped out of my thought when she called

"Y-yes?" I asked

"What's wrong? You seem out of it" She said

"I'm fine, no need to fret my lady"

"My lady?" She asked as I suddenly realized what I said

"I apologize, I-I accidentaly said it" This woman is definetly different, never have I stutter, apologive, get embarresed ,or accidentaly call someone a nickname I made, yet still not a full day and all of those happened, I wonder what will happened in the next few days

"If you want to call me nicknames I don't mind" She said

I looked at her "it's fine?"

She nodded, and I internally smiled, we then spent the next few minutes talking about random stuff about the mansion, after a while, my brothers came, and we are now currently waiting for the stupid mortal to come down

(Shiro's p.o.v)

Yui then came running down the stairs apologizing being late, Reiji lectured her while I went in the limo with the others, I sat next to Subaru and Shu

Not long after, Yui and Reiji came in, Reiji sat next to Shu while Yui sat next to Ayato, Shu layed down on my lap as I combed his hair and he hugged my waist, on my right side I could feel Reiji glaring but for now I'll ignore it, I feel like it would be a mistake

Reiji then give Yui and I some juice, Yui thanked him while I placed it in my bag and continued combing Shu's hair, Yui glared at me "hey Shiro, say thank you"

"Why should I? This juice is like a 'do not die just yet and continue to supply me with blood' kinda message, it's not really something I want to thank as I still want to live considering your the only one told not to be killed" I said and they all got shocked but silent knowing my words are true

I then felt Shu hugged tighter so I asked "Shu, what's wrong?"

"Massage" He said burying his face on my waist

I nodded and massage his head earning a sigh of relief and relaxation from him

But as we got nearer to school, we then heard fangirls "THE SAKAMAKI'S ARE HERE KYAAAAA!!!!!!!"

Shu got irritated so I covered his ear until we got off, when I got off fangirls glared daggers at me and Yui





Was the things they said, then one of them came to me and was about to slap me when I grabbed her wrist, and whispered in her ear with a dark aura forming around me "try it again if you don't value your life" I then broke her wrist

The fangirls got scares and ran away with the one with broken wrist, I turned back to the brothers and saw them frozen in time with Yui who was glaring

(3rd person p.o.v)

Wow such strength Reiji thought

So different Shu thought

A weird mortal Subaru thought

Nothing like pancake Ayato thought

She's great Laito thought

Pretty Kanato thought

I'm starting to like her The brothers all thought

"Reiji" They were all snapped out of their thought

"Y-yes?" He asked

"My schedule please" Shiro said

"Oh! Right, here you go" Reiji handed her the scheadule "you are in the same class as Laito"

I nodded and Laito cheered "Yey! Come on dolly, let's go!" Laito carried Shiro bridal style and ran away leaving his now glaring brothers and scared Yui

(Laito's p.o.v)

Dolly wrapped her arms around me so she won't fall

Wow dolly is surprisingly light, and she's not struggling or scared ,not like that bitchy mortal I thought while I ran to the hallways then to our classroom

I placed her on the sit infront of me and sat at my own sit behind her

"Thank you" I hear Shiro say

I smiled She's really different, I just practically kidnapped her yet she thanked me

Shiro: Yui's Step-sisterWhere stories live. Discover now