1: I've Missed You

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I was on Tumblr in my pajamas when I got the first text from him in a good while. I wasn’t upset with him though, I understood things were different now and he was busy all the time. I had been searching through posts tagged, “One Direction,” looking for any news since the boys had finished the X Factor tour and recording their album and my heart skipped a beat when his name popped up on my phone’s screen.

Are you home?

I immediately replied:

Yes :)

I continued scrolling down looking at all the pictures that people posted from the tour and reblogged a few.

Good, can you come over?

Was he already home?! I couldn’t believe it, he was gone for so long and now I was able to see him!

I’m pretty sure I can, let me check.

I closed out of Tumblr and went upstairs to my dad’s room and softly rapped on the door. He didn’t reply so I opened it and walked to his bed. He was sprawled out and the covers were all in a tangle.

I tapped his foot gently so I wouldn’t scare him and whispered, “Dad?”


“I’m going over to Harry’s house,” I told him.

“He’s back? Oh…..okay…..have fun then,” I could tell he was still half asleep.

I crept back out of his room and texted Harry back.

I’m sure he’s fine with it although he’s still asleep…

It wasn’t long before he responded:

Okay, pack some clothes cause I want you to spend the night :) xx

My heart fluttered around in my chest and I practically danced to my room across from my dad’s. I went around throwing random clothes into a suitcase that lay on my bed. I couldn’t wait to get to see Harry; he only lived a few houses down from me.Okay, maybe I had a slight crush on my best friend, but it wasn’t something that got in the way of our friendship.

When he auditioned for the X Factor, I cheered him on, but on the inside I was selfish and didn’t want him to make it. Now looking back, I hate myself for ever thinking that. I should’ve been way more supportive and actually gone to his auditions, but I didn’t. I really hoped he would forgive me for that.

I packed my bikini and zipped up my bag. I changed into a t-shirt and sweats then slipped on some flip-flops. I wrote a note reminding my dad where I was at and left it on his coffee maker. That’s what he always did first in the morning, have his cup of coffee.

I grabbed my keys off the key-ring and hopped into my car. I could walk, but I’d feel too awkward carrying my bag. I parked in front of his house since his driveway was full, threw my bag over one shoulder, and rang his doorbell.

“ALISON!” The door burst open and the breath was knocked out of me, literally. Harry ran outside and tackled me with a hug and since I was unbalanced, I fell to the ground with him.


He pulled me to my feet, leaving my bag on the ground, and hugged me properly. He had grown taller because his head bent down into my shoulder.

“I missed you so much,” he said.

“I missed you, too.”

When he pulled away I noticed that the ends of his hair curled out under the edge of his beanie. He smiled and said, “I have so much to tell you, but are you hungry because we can eat lunch if you want to…”

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