8: The Jealous Type

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The next morning I decided that I should do the right thing and talk to Harry straightforward. I got dressed and put my hair up and had a quick breakfast before brushing my teeth and heading over to Harry's house.

I let myself in, Anne was out somewhere and I figured that Harry was still down at the bungalow with the boys. I marched straight down there and went straight in there, too.

I was expecting to find all the boys asleep, but only two were; Harry and Zayn. Niall, Liam, and Louis were singing them an inpromtu song about getting up and eating McDonalds. Of course, a camera was filming them and there was a good bit of people stuffed into one bedroom.

"It's time to get up!" Harry half-yelled and got out of bed. I was surprised that he was even wearing boxers. He ruffled his hair, looked up and saw me.

"Ali, hey," he came over and pulled me into a warm hug.

"Can we please talk?"

His face dropped, "Is everything okay?"

"In private."

He took my hand and led me back outside.

"What's wrong?"

I thought about it for a minute. I mean, nothing was wrong really. I guess I was just getting selfish again.

"Actually, nothing really. It's nothing."

His beautiful green eyes searched mine, "Ali, seriously. Tell me."

"I was just being stupid. And a little bit...jealous I guess."

"Of the boys? Don't be. And all these people will be gone tomorrow. Then you have me all to yourself," he gave a reassuring smile and kissed my cheek, "How about....you come over here around noon. And we can do whatever," he winked.

I smiled and kissed him, "Sounds good."

His hands found my waist and yanked me towards his body. He kissed me slow, until we heard a throat clear and turned to see Louis standing in the doorway.

"Harry, they need you in here."

"That's my cue, see you tomorrow, love," he kissed me again before going back inside.


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