4: Cooking Up A Storm...literally

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I woke up, but didn't move a muscle. My head rested on Harry's chest; his arm wrapped around my back and side. I was thinking of going back to sleep when Harry's groggy morning voice broke the silence, "My mum came in here earlier. She said just come up if we want her to make something for lunch."

"How'd you know I was awake?" I tilted my head up towards his, but we were too close for my eyes to focus on his face, so I just laid my head back on his chest.

He cleared his throat,"Um...your breathing...changed..."

I couldn't stop my cheeks from forming a smile and I was pretty sure he felt it against his body.

"How long have you been up?"

"Not very long. My mum came in here around nine, but I fell back asleep. Then I woke up about twen-...a few minutes ago."

"What time is it now?"

"Around noon. It's raining so I don't think we're going to do much today. We should go to the supermarket, though. Maybe pick up a few things..."

"Things as in...?" I trailed off and waited for him to answer.

"I miss your brownies and cakes. They were really good and I haven't had them in forever. Plus, we can get a bunch of random stuff to make."

"Oh, great. You're in a food mood," I joked.

It did make me feel god that he missed my baking. I like cooking also, but baking is my favorite. I have a huge sweet tooth and I'm trying to find a good college to study culinary arts at. After Harry knew he wouldn't be home for a while, I took his spot in the bakery. I love going there on weekends to the smell of fresh bread and pastries, plus it reminded me of the first time I met Harry.

"I'm not going to comment on that. You hungry?"

"A little bit," I admitted.

He looked down and kissed my forehead, "Good."

Harry smirked and stood up. I didn't realize how close we were to the edge and as soon as he stood up, I rolled off the side and hit the floor. Harry busted out in a laughing fit and I turned over and did my best to glare at him. He held out his hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Always so clumsy," he mumbled, but I knew he meant for me to hear.

"That wasn't even my fault."

"You're still really clumsy."


 "Harry, people are staring at us!"

We causally walked in to the local supermarket to get any random junk that Harry wanted plus some stuff he wanted me to make. We walked down the cake aisle with a cart and stood facing all the choices of brownie mix.

Oh, I forgot to mention, we were in our pyjamas. Well, Harry had clothes on. His pyjamas consisted of nothing, but we both had on actual sleep pants and a t shirt.

"Let's get.....hmm," Harry was clearly making the decision of his life, so I didn't say anything. But I did grab one mix that I wanted; cookie brownies. Those were my favorites, bottom layer of brownie, top cookie...mmmm.

"Okay, I've decided that I want the ones you already got, so we can move on..."

Harry picked a bunch of stuff off the shelves and threw them in the cart. I figured we might as well get a bunch of eggs, butter, milk, and vegetable oil because I didn't know what would be made and what wouldn't...I hope he has enough pans.

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