6: Perfect Doesn't Even Being to Describe This

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Harry and I were finishing up our main entree when a three-man-band came up to our table. They weren't exactly invading our space, but were close. It consisted of a violin, viola, and a cello. They began softly playing a slow song.

"Would you like to dance?"

I looked at Harry and nodded. He stood up and reached his hand out. I took it and he led me a few steps away from our table.

His hands rested on my waist, "You've got a lot to live up to on the second date," I told him, connecting my hands around the back of his neck.  

"Hmm...seems challenging. I might be able to come up with something," he smiled mischeviously and pulled me closer.

He quickly used one hand to push hair that had fallen in front of my shoulders to my back. To other people in the restaurant, it just looked like Harry was resting his head in the crook of my shoulder, but I felt his lips on the nape of my neck. He sucked softly and I pulled away.

"Not here, not in public."

His face was serious, "Shall we go, then?"

I blinked, I kinda wanted to dance with him longer, but agreed to leave. I caught sight of the bill, which was through the roof.

"Harry, I'm not letting you spend that much money on me ever again."

He looked me straight in the face and closed the bill holder, "You're worth every bit of it."

He took me by the hand and led me out of the restaurant. We walked back across the street and further into the city. The sun was no where to be seen, but there was a ton of people out and about. Some where in a hurry and others were taking their time, like Harry and I. We walked along the canal hand in hand. It was starting to get chilly, but I didn't mind it; Harry's hand was warm enough.

Halfway across the bridge that connected the streets on either side of the canal, Harry stopped and bent down on one knee, tying his shoe. To be honest, he was always a little slow when tying them. I waited for a moment, looking at the water and the lights that reflected off it. Harry's hand took mine again, but he was still on one knee.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked. I know I probably should have, but I wasn't expecting it.

"Um, Alison? This is about the time when you give me an answer..."

"Oh, um," could I really handle the pressure and hate?

I nodded, "Definite yes."

He jumped up and hugged me tight. I loved breathing his cologne in, it was my favorite.

"Shouldn't we be getting home? Its really late..."

He shook his head and smiled, "We're staying in a hotel."

My jaw dropped, and Harry laughed at me; taking my hand and turning back to the way we had come from.

"Don't worry, I asked your dad and he was fine with it."

Was he really? Oh, crap. I started freaking out on the inside. Harry and I were going to share a hotel room alone...

I guess there's no difference between the hotel room and one of the bungalow rooms...

I realized that I didn't have any clothes and would probably have to sleep in my bra and underwear. I told Harry about what I was thinking, minus the part about sleeping practically naked.

"I got that covered too. You know when I stole your bag? I took some clothes out of there and packed them earlier today."

Wow, he had really gone all out in thinking this through.

"Um...did you do all this so we would...you know...have sex...?"

"No! I promise I would never take advantage of you like that. But if you want to we can."

I didn't say anything, but I already knew what I wanted to do.

Harry and I got back to his car and he drove for a few minutes to the hotel we were staying at. He wasn't lying, he did bring my clothes, but they were mixed into one bag with his. Harry checked us in and carried the bag up to our room. Wow, that felt weird to think.

Harry's back was to me, taking in the room. I didn't care though, I grabbed his arm and turned him around, kissing him full on the mouth. My head was tilted just slightly to the right and his lips moved in sync with mine. His hands were on my waist and he pulled me forward, hard. There was no space inbetween us at all. One of my hands was on his cheek and the other was tangled in his mess of curls. He pushed me up against the wall and placed both hands on it for support. I grabbed the front of his shirt and closed the gap that was made between us; his elbows bent on either side of me. His hand caressed my jaw and the other one was on my hip. He let the hand on my jaw slide down and once it had reached my hip, he moved both down further to my thighs. I knew what was coming next so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he lifted me up onto his waist. My dress came up to my waist because of this and I kicked off my heels. He took the advantage of being shorter and kissed my collarbone, barely biting the skin. He began leaving a trail of hot kisses down my chest; as far as my dress would let him. Steadily, he carried me over to the single queen bed that was in the room. He sat me on the edge and moved close, standing inbetween my legs. Both hands were holding my face up towards his and he kissed me. That didn't last long, he pulled me up by my sides and pushed me back on the bed, causing me to lay down. His body hung over me and I helped him take off his grey blazer. His shirt was untucked in the front from where I had pulled him close. My hands went up to his chest and his head came down to plant another kiss, but I turned my head and kept it there, making him kiss my cheek.

"Such a tease," his voice was husky.

I smiled and since my head was already turned, he sucked on my neck, most likely leaving a love bite. I moaned as his hot lips made contact with my sensitive skin. My hands travelled down to his pants and h unbuttoned and unzipped them.

"You're cheating, shirts come first."

"Just take your pants off."

He sucked my neck hard before releasing and standing away from the bed to step out of his pants. He went back to hovering over me and this time I let him kiss me. I blindly unbuttoned his dress-shirt and I put my hand on his stomach. He contracted under my touch and pulled away from my face for a second, "Your hands are cold." His hot tongue grazed my lower lip and I let him in. While snogging, I managed to get his shirt off and throw it on the ground. I put both hands on his chest and pushed him over, making him lay on the bed. I stood up at the end of the bed. I pulled my hair out of the way and turned my back to him, "Get the zipper would you?"

He stood up, too and pulled the zipper all the way down. He kissed the back of my shoulder and pulled my dress down. I stepped out and turn to face him. He grabbed my back and fell backwards; I ended up on top of him, my hands on his bare chest. He kept his hands on my waist and I kissed him on the lips before giving him a love bite. I sucked on the nape of his neck, causing him to moan. He undid my bra and dramatically flung it as hard as he could across the room.

"Was that necessary?" I half-laughed staring into his deep green eyes. There was a sort of...hunger in them. He pulled me close and pressed me against his warm body. I rolled over and pulled him on top of me. His hands pressed into the mattress above my shoulders and he propped himself up. Harry left a trail of soft butterfly kisses all the way down my front until he reached my underwear and paused.

He looked up at me and questioned, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," my voice was firm, thank god, because I knew if it wasn't he would stop.

Both of his hands gripped my knickers and pulled them down. He held out his hands to pull me up and let me do the same to him. I fell back into place on the bed and his body cast a shadow over mine. He kissed me one last time and I put everything into it, showing him that I was ready.

We didn't have sex, we made love and it was more perfect than anything else.

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