3: You're 'The Flirt.'

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It was late when we got back to the bungalow. I didn't think it was possible, but I was tired even though I had taken a nap. I went to the bathroom and took out my contacts then crawled into the room is usually sleep in's bed. There was a knock on my door and Harry stood in the frame. Thankfully, he at least had boxers on.

He whispered, "Can I sleep in here?"

I moved over and made room on the bed, "Mhmm."

He shut the door and jumped into the bed.

"Goodnight, Ali."


I was facing his back while he was on his side. I felt like I should say something. The first thing I wanted to say was what had been on my mind the whole time he was gone.



"I heard you've developed a bit of a reputation as a flirt."

He flipped over and looked at me. He didn't say anything for a while, just looked at me with his beautiful green eyes.

"I may flirt with fans or interviewers, or any girl, but it doesn't mean anything to me. It's just flirting and if I really wanted a girl, I would be friends first. That's most important. If I'm going to want someone, it's not going to be just someone I've flirted with. It's going to be someone who's going to be there. Who's always been there."

Did he really just say that? Was he implying me? Ugh, this is so confusing.

His audition popped up in my mind and I was overwhelmed with emotion.

"I wasn't," my voice came out in a whisper and broke, "there for you. I should've gone to your auditions and I didn't."

The tears slowly came with my memory of watching Harry on the telly. If the situation were reversed, I would be so mad at Harry for not going.

"Hey," he scooted closer, "Don't. Don't cry. I'm not mad. I was back then, but I'm not now."

"I was so selfish. I-I didn't want you to make it. I wanted you to stay here with me. I'm so sorry."

He gently touched my cheek, wiping my tears away. "Don't apologize. I would've done the same thing..." he paused then said, "I'm here now."


Short, but I wanted to update and I wrote this on my Ipod, but I don't have that with me at the moment so I'm going by memory.

Hope you enjoy! xx

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