7: Who Comes First?

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"Good morning," my voice was full of sleep.

I was wrapped up in the hotel sheets with Harry next to me. 

"Hi," he smiled, sat up, and slung his legs off the side of the bed.

"Oh, my god!" I gasped.

I shot up at the sight of his back. Scratch marks were all over, still a slight shade of pink. I looked at my hands; my nails weren't that long...

"Did I do that?"

Harry stood up and turned his back towards the mirror on the wall.

He chuckled, "I guess so."

"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny! I hurt you. Oh, god. I'm so sorry."

He shrugged and slipped on his underwear that was on the floor, "Honestly, it doesn't hurt. And like I said last night, everything was worth it."

I remembered everything that happened last night. I knew it wasn't his first time, it wasn't mine either. But was it...good?

He seemed to read my thoughts, "Listen, last night was the best...ever. And I'd like to spend all day here with you, but the boys are supposed to be coming into town for the...show. So we should probably head back."

"Alright, " I climbed out of bed, and looked at Harry's bag near the bathroom door.

"Are my clothes in there?"

 "Yeah," he came over and pulled out a couple of clothes that the 'stole.'

I noticed he pulled out a low-cut top, short khaki pants, and a push-up bra with a matching pair of undies.

"You're such a boy. These don't match!"

I looked at him and he had a guilty face.


I laughed, "Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal."

I grabbed him by the arm and took him into the loo with me. We both stripped and it took us a couple minutes to figure out how to turn the shower. We got cleaned up and ready to head back home. The only pair of shoes that Harry had brought for me was a pair of black flip-flops.

He carried our one-bag down to the main lobby and we checked out. It was about ten in the morning when we hit the road. We talked some and he told me new stories from on tour and recording their album.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your house and then you come over later to meet the guys?"

"That'll be fine, and Harry?"

I turned my head slightly so that I could watch him while he drove.


"Thank you, for last night. Everything. It was amazing."

A proud smile crept to his face and his dimples showed. I reached out and poked the one closest to me, making him smile even more.

Harry's text tone went off and he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He glanced at the name that had shown up then handed his phone to me.

"Text him back please."

I unlocked his phone and went to the text.

We're at ur hous where r you at? - Liam

"What do you want me to say?"

"Just tell him I'll be home in about twenty minutes."

I'll be there in 20

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