5: It's a Special Occasion

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I stayed the night at Harry's twice. He wouldn't let me go home since it was storming and he also said it was a good excuse to sleep with me again. I didn't argue because I wanted to also.

As soon as I got home, which was well into the afternoon because Harry and I went into the pool again, I was tossing clothes everywhere to figure out what I was going to wear on our date tonight. Holy crap, I'm going on a date with Harry!

"Ali, what are you doing?" My dad peeped his head in my room.

"Picking out what to wear, Harry asked me on a date!"

"Really? What time is he coming over?"


"Oh, okay. Well...I'll be downstairs..."

I continued destroying my closet once my dad had walked away.

UGH, what was I going to wear?! No, no, no...YES!

I found this pink mini dress that I was supposed to wear to a party, but the girl got in trouble and the party was cancelled, so now I could wear it on my date with Harry.

Wait, what kind of date was it?

I pulled out my phone and texted him

Am I supposed to wear a dress?

Yeah ;) xx

Okay, well that's that. I laid out the dress on my bed and looked for a pair of shoes. I picked out my white sparkly heels that I pretty much wore with any dress that they matched. I hopped into the shower and washed my body and hair, then shaved pretty much every inch of my body...well, not really. But girls, you understand what I mean.

I plugged in my curling iron while I dried my hair, then I got to styling. I turned on my iPhone on my iHome and blasted some tunes. Each curl that came out had to be perfect, I wanted to look stunning tonight. When the last curl sprung away from my curler, I was extremely satisfied. I turned and craned my neck to see a cascade of chocolate curls falling down my back. Okay, time for makeup.

I pulled out every single item of makeup I had and spread it out in front of my dresser/mirror. After I had put on concealor and foundation, I did a smoky eye. It was my favorite and it brought out my blue eyes. I went ahead and brushed my teeth so I could add a touch of light pink lip gloss. I brushed on a bit of pink blush before darkening my lashes with mascara.

I pulled out a strapless bra and some lacy underwear (thongs are uncomfortable, okay?) and put on my pink dress. I zipped it up all the way and slipped my feet into my heels. I put on a dab of lotion over my legs and spritzed some perfume on.

"Wow," my dad made me jump. He stood in my doorway, "I'm going to go get my gun."

"Dad!" I whined, "Please don't." Embarass me.

"Okay, okay. I'm not going to be 'that dad.' I'm not worried about you two because I trust Harry. He's a good guy."

"Thanks, dad," I walked over to him and embraced him in a hug, "That means a lot. Honestly."

"You're welcome. Now, finish getting ready, I'll be downstairs," his voice got emotional and he walked off.

I took a deep breath, it was getting really close to seven, almost half and hour left. My heart was starting to thump harder and harder, I was so anxious. What else did I have to do? I know I should've ate a snack before, so I wouldn't look like a pig, but whatever.

I sat on the edge of my bed and tried to calm myself down. What if things didn't go right? He'll probably cancel at the last minute thinking that the whole date with his best friend would be awkward. What if he acutally does come?

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