Chapter Fourteen - Negotiations

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"We can't talk here," the outlaw said quietly, when Guy entered the hall. He nodded towards the closed front door.

"How did you get in?" he asked.

"Let's just say the guards don't know I'm here. Yet. So, where can we talk?"

"You came alone? Why? All I have to do is shout."

Hood gazed at him calmly. Even this infuriated Guy, but he tamped down his annoyance, curious to hear the answer.

"Because I'll know, by what you do in the next fifteen seconds, whether you're serious about this or not. But I'm telling you, up pact."

"Fine. Keep it," Guy said.

He relished the surprise on Hood's face; it was rare enough to feel that he held the upper hand. But if he needed the outlaw's aid, then perhaps this would help convince Hood that the reverse was also true. Allan's news a couple of days earlier had given him the means. After dwelling on it since then, Guy thought he could make a reasonable guess as to what Vaisey's latest scheme might be.

"Where can we talk?" Hood repeated, urgently.

"In here," said Guy.

He motioned Hood to the back room, one where he'd spent many evenings in the company of his guards, drinking in silence. Meg came up beside him.

"I want to listen. Please. It can't do any harm."

His first instinct was to rebuff, but Meg's message had been clear: he'd done enough of that, this week. He stood aside, and let her precede him into the room. Hood already had a lamp lit, fetching a taper from the kitchen; it rankled Guy, that he should make himself so at home. As if it still is his home, and I'm just borrowing it. He closed the door, ensuring they would have privacy.

"So, what's changed?" the outlaw began.

Pulling out a chair he sat backwards on it, folding his arms across the top. Guy sat at the other end of the table, Meg slipping into the chair next to him.

"You tell me. Why are you here?" Guy countered.

"Why do you think? I want to protect the king, you want to save your hide, the best way we can do that is to join forces. That was your plan, wasn't it?"

"Yes. But what's changed, if you weren't planning on giving me the pact?"

Hood shrugged.

"I'm here, aren't I? So how about you tell me why it's suddenly of no interest to you."

"Because I think Vaisey is replacing it."

"How will that help him?" The outlaw frowned, puzzled. "It wouldn't make the one I hold any less treasonous."

"It would if he had new names put on it, and got it to the king first. He doesn't know you'll be anywhere near the Holy Land."

"Tell me," Hood said quietly, leaning forward and resting his chin on his hands.

Guy related what Allan had told him, the conversation he'd overheard.

"Since then, he's asked around...."

" only Allan can..." A reluctant grin, as Guy gave a small nod of agreement.

"...and he found out it was Woodvale's seal that had been stolen. Not only that, but when Loughborough had been leaving the Council meeting, he was robbed on the road home. He came back, demanding something be done. Said they'd taken his seal ring, and that he'd stay until it was recovered. The sheriff told him he was welcome to stay, but if he did, he could lead the hunt himself. Suddenly Loughborough wasn't so keen. He took himself off that afternoon."

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