Christmas Day

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After another morning of puking, Rose put on her Weasley sweater and went downstairs.  

"Good morning, Rosie" someone said from the living room. 

"Good morning Lilly" Rose instantly knew who the voice belonged to. "What are your doing up so early?"

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. What about you?" Lily asked, even though she knew the answer.

"Morning sickness." 

They talked as the rest of the family came down. When it was time for breakfast, Grandma Molly gave Rose an extra big plate of eggs and sausage and every last bit was eaten. 

After breakfast, the kids went outside to play Quidditch. Lily, Rose, Scorpius, James, Albus and Hugo vs. Molly, Lucy, Louis, Fred, Roxanne, and Teddy.  In the end, Roses team won, 200-30. 

They ate lunch, then gathered to watch a movie. Rose fell asleep on Scorpius less than halfway through. Lily thought they were adorable and took a picture.  Ron did his best to not notice them. 

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