Christmas Eve

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The past week had been full of excitement. Everyone was helping to decorate the Burrow for Christmas and tonight was Christmas Eve.

Rose woke up sick, again. It had been going on for almost three weeks. She knew something wasn't right. Still, she managed to hide it and enjoy the time with her family. 

She was the first one up, as usual, and sat on the couch to read. She had done this every day this week. She would have cooked breakfast, but the first time she tried to make toast, she somehow set the toaster on fire. She wasn't allowed in the kitchen after that. 

Slowly, the rest of the family wakes up and trickles downstairs. Grandma Molly was the first one awake again, Rose noticed. Then came Hermione, Roses mom. 

"Good morning," Rose told everyone as they came down the stairs.

"Good morning, Rosie," they all replied.

Once everyone was downstairs, they ate breakfast, then went to get ready. 

After they had finished getting ready, Rose needed to talk to Lily.  They told each other everything. 

"Hey Lily, I need to talk to you." 

"Ok. Let's go somewhere more private then." 

They went to their room. 

"I think something's wrong with me." Rose said as soon as they had closed the door. 

"What's going on?" 

"For the past three weeks, I've been waking up sick. I don't know what's going on." 

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I thought it would stop but it didn't. And, like I said, I don't know why it's happening."

"Ok, so, when did it start?" 

"A week before we came home."

"Hmmm......" Lily tried to think. "Did you happen to sleep with Scorpius before it started?" 

"Yes, a couple weeks before it started." 

"Do you think you could be pregnant?"

"Maybe. I don't know." But as soon as Lily said it, Rose knew it was true. They used protection almost every time, but the time they didn't was the time befor the sickness started. It was too much of a coincidence. 

Lily started digging in her trunk. Finally, she pulled out a little box and gave it to Rose. 

"Only one way to find out."

Rose took the pregnancy test and went into the bathroom. Lily waited a few minutes until Rose came out and they looked at the results together. 

Rose was pregnant.  

"Congrats," Lily said as she engulfed her cousin in a hug. "Go tell Scorp." Rose was released and went to find Scorpius.

She found him talking with some of her cousins.

"Hey Scorp. Um.. We need to talk." 

"What is it, Thorn?" 

"We need to talk in private." 

Scorpius got up and followed Rose to her room where Lily was waiting. 

They sat on Roses bed. 

"What's wrong?" Scorpius could tell Rose was on the verge of tears.

"The thing is.......... I'm pregnant" her voice had dropped to a whisper. 

"Really?!" Scorpius was thrilled he was going to be a dad. 

"Yes." Rose smiled when she saw how happy Scorpius was. They were going to make this work. 

"It's the reason I've been sick lately." She explained. 

They agreed to tell the family tonight.

When everyone was gathered at the table, Rose and Scorpius stood up. 

All eyes turned to them, and Rose said "We have news." 

Scorpius squeezed her hand under the table to reassure her and she continued. "I'm pregnant!"

Everyone was happy and congratulated them, everyone except Ron. He sat there and glared at Scorpius, who's plan for the rest of the break involved trying to avoid Ron. 

Grandma Molly was probably the most excited. She couldn't wait to see her first great-grandchild. 

After everyone had congratulated Rose and Scorpius, the whole family went to open presents. Everyone loved the traditional Weasley sweater they got from Grandma Molly. The cousins enjoyed the muggle fiction books Aunt Hermione gave them. 

After presents, they ate dessert, talked, then went to bed. 

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