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Three years later, all of Rose's cousins were married. It was Christmas Eve and everyone was at the Burrow for dinner.

Rose and Scorpius stood up and all eyes were on them. Olivia was in her father's arms as she said the news. "I'm going to be a big sister!" She was so happy and excited, as were everyone else. Rose and Scorpius were the only cousins to have kids yet, and Grandma Molly was the most excited because she wanted to see as many of her great grandchildren as possible. 


A week later, Rose found out she was pregnant with twins.

They were sitting at the dinner table.

"How was the doctor's appointment?" Scorpius asked.

"Good. Guess what?" Rose replied.


"We're having twins!"

"Really?! That's amazing."

"Yes, and I was thinking that we should start thinking of names already considering we had only decided on Olivia two nights before."

"Ok. Yeah. We'll go ahead and start thinking about names."

They finished eating and went to bed a little later.

Rose was eight and a half months pregnant. She fidgeted with the pillows she was laying on, trying to get comfortable. She glanced at the clock on in her bedside table, it was 2:39. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten a good night's sleep. She sighed as she got up, deciding to get a drink.

She was halfway to the kitchen when she went into labor. She rushed back to her bedroom to wake up Scorpius.

"Scorpius! Wake up!" She was shaking him, more violently than necessary.

"What is it, Rosie?" He was half worried half asleep. 

"My water just broke." He could hear the  mixed emotions of joy and concern in her voice. They had been through this once, but this time was different. This time they had another child to worry about and this time they were having twins.

"I'll get our bags, just relax." He gathered the last few things they needed then got Olivia. 

Rose wrote a quick letter to her parents and sent it as Scorpius walked in carrying Olivia.

The small family went to the hospital. Ron and Hermione arrived soon after and kept Olivia entertained. 

A few hours later, Elizabeth Joy and Grace Isabelle Malfoy were born.  


Rose and Scorpius lived peacefully with their three daughters, who never met Draco. Their parents thought that  it would be best to keep him out of their lives that he clearly did not want to be part of. 

Though they never met their grandfather, Olivia, Elizabeth, and Grace were very close to their mum's side of the family and lived happy lives. 

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