The Wedding

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The next couple months went by pretty smoothly. Rose and Scorpius talked about some wedding details and possible baby names. They graduated from Hogwarts and Rose, to no one's surprise, was top of the class.

They were staying at the Burrow, everyone helping to get ready for the wedding. It was going to be small, just family and a few close friends. Lily was the maid of honor and Albus was the best man. Finally, it was the big day.

As Rose walked down the aisle, she couldn't believe it. Everything was just as she had wanted it. Laterns lit the pathway, there was a beautiful sunset in the background, all their family and friends were there. It was perfect.

Rose and Scorpius exchanged romantic vows and shared a passionate kiss. Rose Weasley was now Mrs.Rose Malfoy. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and music.

Rose couldn't believe how perfect it was, and neither her nor Scorpius could believe they were actually married and about to have a baby.

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