Going Back

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Rose's morning sickness had gotten worse and she was starting to show. She could only imagine what was going to happen when she got back to Hogwarts later that day.

After breakfast, kids shoved the last few things in their trunk. At exactly 10:30, the Weasley clan left for Kings Cross Station.

After a few minutes of hugs and goodbyes, the kids still attending Hogwarts boared the scarlet train. Albus, Rose, and Scorpius sat in the same compartment they had since their first time.

Rose fell asleep on Scorpius shoulder as he played cards with Albus. She hadn't slept well the past couple days and found being next to Scorpius comforting.

People stared as they passed, but the trio ignored the looks. They were used to it, considering they all had famous parents.

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