Twenty-Five: In demand

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Twenty Five: In demand

If Hiccup had hoped that Monday morning would be quiet and uneventful, he was sorely mistaken. The moment he walked through the doors into the hallway, eyes were looking at him with curiosity and some admiration...though others looked scornful or disappointed. He unwound the scarf from around his neck and unzipped his jacket, feeling the weight of eyes on him. Consciously, he patted his shoulders and shrugged.

"Nope-haven't grown a second head yet, so that can't be it..." he muttered as the solid shape of Fishlegs came barrelling down the corridor, his eyes wide and panicked. He saw the tall auburn-haired teen and headed straight at him.

"Oh Thor-thank goodness I found you first!" he squeaked. Hiccup looked behind him and then frowned.

"Me?" he checked as Fishlegs pulled him to one side, his face almost panicking.

"Yes," he said urgently. Hiccup frowned.

"Okay, Fish-spit it out," he said sternly. "Why is everyone staring at me?" Looking very self-conscious, the husky blonde boy lifted his phone and displayed his social media page, showing an image displayed of two people sitting at a table. Eyes widening, Hiccup recognised himself, sitting opposite Astrid in the little cafe over two mugs of chocolate. And his heart lurched at the caption.


"Oh Thor, Astrid is going to kill me," he murmured.

"But how...?" Fishlegs whimpered as Hiccup stared at the words.

"Tuffnut," he growled. "It has to be. He and his sister came up with that nickname for Astrid..."

"TUFFNUT!" Astrid's voice echoed down the hall and the two boys spun as the blonde stormed up the hallway with Hiccup and Fishlegs in hot pursuit. Tuffnut was by his locker-which adjoined his sister's-and was smirking cruelly. The blonde stomped up, seeing Snotlout, Eret, Thuggory, the twins, Heather and Cameron all sneering as the bruised girl arrived.

"Hello, Nerdstrid!" Cameron sneered and Astrid's fists balled.

"Hey Cameron-did you enjoy your chat with the Meathead Captain?" Hiccup asked, walking up behind the furious Astrid. His former girlfriend glared at him. "Does the Coach know you were talking to her just before you nodded for her to take out your competition?" There was an icy silence as the girl fumbled for her words.

"Poor Hiccup," she managed in a sickeningly sympathetic voice. "So jealous that he's seeing things..." The boy gave a bright smile.

"I think only one of us is deluded...and I'm certainly not jealous of you," he told her in the same, pleasant voice. "Maybe we should talk to Coach Markstrom and see what she has to say. And the video we got of the talk as well..." Blue eyes widening, Cameron's mouth worked soundlessly. "Or not. Perhaps. Maybe you wanna keep out of this?" His eyes were cold and determined but Astrid was still furious.

"What the hell were you doing, posting that picture?" she yelled at Tuffnut and the male twin sneered at her.

"Because it was hilarious!" he scoffed. "I mean-that is the only way he'll get girlfriend-someone who's popular as a case of eel pox and looks like she's lost a fight against a dragon!"

"Why you..." Astrid exploded but Hiccup was quicker, lunging forward to grab her round the waist and lift her, kicking and screaming from the ground, preventing her from flattening the twins. He leaned close to whisper in her ear.

"He's not getting worth suspended over," he hissed. "Let me deal with this. Please?" She writhed and then nodded, so he warily put her down.

"Nerdstrid Loseron," Hiccup mused, peering at the picture. "Nope-that's her cousin from Freezing-To-Death. That picture shows me out with Astrid-doing our Project." There was an awkward pause. "You remember the Project? About an unmarried couple dealing with everyday life? And I'm sure you've all read your project packs and know that the next section deals with budgeting, working and taxes? Who wants to sit in a room poring over books when you can sit in a cafe in the park, planning our next assignments?" He looked at his former girlfriend, the female twin and his cousin. "Haven't you already done that?" he added guilelessly.

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