Twenty-Seven: Plans

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Twenty-Seven: Plans

The next day was interesting as Hiccup arrived at school and checked his schedule. Now, for once, he was grateful that Snotlout shared a number of his classes-though the boy was floundering in most of them. He would have to follow his cousin around closely, enduring the taunts of the gang and his former girlfriend.

Gritting his teeth, he quietly stowed his coat and bag in his locker and grabbed his books for the first three lessons, before he trailed after Snotlout, hearing the boy brag about how his father was doing so well and would be buying him a new Jeep before Snoggletog. And it physically made Hiccup feel sick to see Cameron hang on his arm, almost purring with satisfaction when he knew that the girl was betraying his cousin, as she had betrayed him. But of course, Snotlout wouldn't believe him...and had dispatched two guys to ambush him. And as Hiccup hung back, ostensibly inspecting his phone, he felt a grim satisfaction in spying on the boy.

"Of course, Dad will be making far more now he's Mayor," Snotlout announced smugly, casting a scornful look at the tall shape of Hiccup. Tuffnut looked down from the top of the locker, where he was crouching.

"How?" he asked bluntly. "I mean Useless there was always pleading poverty..."

No I wasn't, Hiccup thought grimly, his knuckles whitening as he heard them scorn him. I just wanted all of you to pay your fair share. I mean, you're all loaded and you expected me to pay for everything. Not once did you or Ruff or Cameron or even Snot offer to buy lunch. And I was happy to treat you because I thought you were my friends...

"Well, you know Useless-and his father," Snotlout scoffed. "They were never ones to maximise business opportunities..."

What opportunities would a Mayor have? Hiccup thought, apparently texting. Not many...if he was honest...

"Hey, dude-you mean your Dad is cashing in on being the Mayor?" Tuff asked him directly.

"And Uncle Judge isn't?" Snotlout retorted. "I think we all know how easily justice is bought in the Nut family! All of your family's assets were purchased from people bankrupted by your uncle or your cousin Gruffnut's crooked loan scheme!" Ruff sniggered.

"Yeah-it's amazing how stupid people are when they're promised forty percent annual returns on their money!" she scoffed. "And how they never read the fine print..."

"And when they complain...well, the business is registered in Berserk and that means anyone who wants to litigate goes through Uncle Snuff's court," Tuff grinned.

"Yadda yadda yadda-bored now!" Snotlout said and pressed a sloppy kiss on Cameron's cheek. "Enjoying the view, Princess?" The girl glanced over to Eret and Thuggory and then she grinned.

"Looks pretty prefect to me," she said, as Hiccup flinched. "Well-it was until something skinny and useless got in the way," she added as every eye turned on the auburn-haired boy. He glanced up.

"It's a public corridor," he commented.

"And we're in it!" Snotlout sneered as Tuff jumped down and shoved Hiccup back. Staggering, he hit the locker behind him and gave an angry breath.

"Yeah-you just get in the way all the time," Tuff sneered, shoving him again. Snotlout frowned.

"Hey-I thought I gave orders for somebody to deal with him..." he asked sharply. Hiccup stared at him.

"What? You think this is Viking times, when you can just send some thugs to beat me up?" he asked incredulously. "Offence definitely intended, Thuggory," he added with a grin as the buff young man bunched his fists. Eret grabbed his arm and hauled him back as Mr Larson walked down the hallway, murmured in a low voice to his daughter, Gerda, who was in Sophomore year. Gustav was a messy kid with untidy black hair, bright grey eyes and boundless self-confidence. She idolised Snotlout and had been hanging around the Seniors ever since Snotlout became Mayor's Son, generally making herself a nuisance, though Snotlout had encouraged her. Hiccup took the chance to straighten up and head back towards the classroom, since it was almost time for the bell.

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