Location, Location, Location!

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"Oh my god! Starlight, are you okay?" Double asked, jumping through what was left of the riverbank.

"Okay? I'm fantastic!" I cried in reply, jumping up and brushing myself off.

"So, it didn't hurt?" He asked.

"No...oh my gosh, I know where the darkness base is!" I replied excitidly. By that time the others had caught up to us. I turned to Bodil and gave him a hug, causing him to stiffen. "Thanks so much Bodil!" I cried.

"Uhh...Did you fly?" He asked, confusion noted in his voice.

"No, but thanks to your potion I jumped so high I saw the Darkness' base!" I replied. "I have to go tell Seto!" I cried before turning and bolting towards the rain forest.


When I got to the YouTuber's base I found Ant, Deadlox, Husky and Jason sitting in the main room. Upon me entering, they all stopped talking and turned to look at me.

"Umm...hi?" I said.

"Hello." Ant answered. Then they continued to stare at me.

"Okay then, I'm just gonna...see what Seto is up to..." I replied.

"Alright, he's in the library." Ant said.

"Okay, thanks." I replied. I walked to the left side of the room and entered the door there. When I entered I found Seto sitting at the table with Dave.

"Hello Starlight." Seto said, motioning to me. Then Dave turned to me and started to speak zombie, and a magic speech bubble appeared over his head. "Hello Starlight." It read.

"That's awesome!" I exclaimed.

"I've enchanted an amulet so that when mobs speak, we can understand them." Seto explained. Then Dave started moaning again.

"It's going to take me some time to get used to just speaking out in the open. Slamacow taught me to just stay silent so that people would mistake me for a player." The speech bubble translated.

"You'll be okay, everyone here knows you." I helped.

"I guess so." Dave said.

"So, what's up Star?" Seto asked.

"Oh! I have something to tell you!" I replied. "Bodil helped me discover the location of the Darkness's base!"

"That's great!" Seto said. "Give me some time and I'll figure something out."

"Hey, do you know why Ant, Deadlox and Husky might be acting weird around me?" I asked, remembering how strange they'd acted when I'd walked in initially.

"Nope!" Seto quickly answered, getting up and walking me toward the door. "Go take a break, you've been working hard."

"Okay, I'll-." I started to reply but was cut off by a closing door. I turned to leave when I noticed that the base was suddenly empty. I heard the door open behind me. I turned just in time to see Seto sprint quickly out of the base, blue potion particles surrounding him. Then a moment later Dave walked out behind him.

"Hey, Dave, do you-" I started, but was interrupted by a series of groaning sounds.

"I actually need to go give these amulets to some of the mobs in the village, so see you later." His chat bubble read as he walked out of the base.

"I guess I'll just go to the tree house on my own." I sighed. How strange, everyone seemed to be avoiding me all of a sudden.

Upon reaching the clearing, I found that it was completely deserted. I looked to the skies to see that even the tree houses were empty. I felt kinda down. It was almost like everyone was avoiding me. I looked to see a boy in a creeper hoodie sitting at the base of the tree, hunched over, shaking as if he were upset. I walked if he was okay when he suddenly turned to face me. He had streaks of tears running down his face.

"Hey, are you-" I started.

"No, I'm not okay! Look what you've done!" The boy cried, making me stagger backwards from the sudden harsh tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What is wrong with you?!" He yelled, "How did you not remember doing that?!" He pointed up to a tree house that had a large hole in it. It was then I noticed that we were surrounded by debris.

"I know what it looks like, but I didn't do-" I tried.

"How could it have been anyone else?" The boy yelled. "How could've anyone else flown through it like that?" I looked up to see that the hole was in the shape of a winged figure. "And you made my little brother fall! Now he's stuck in the clinic with several broken bones, alone!" I don't know how, but I knew I'd done it. The guilt was overwhelming.

"I'm so sorry, would you like me to help-" I tried.

"No just get out of here! Everyone has scorned you, haven't you noticed they all left?" He raged. "Even the villagers don't want you around, everyone hates you, no one wants to even be near you!"

"Well, I'd hate to make everyone unhappy." I said on the verge of tears. "I'll just go." I said, running out of the forest, away from the lake into the swamp biome. I climbed a tree and glided from one to the next, allowing the air rushing by to dry my tears.

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