Chapter 28

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Hikaru looked at Haruhi and I, "Haruhi, (Y/n), Destiny, you wanna sit here with me?"

Haruhi blinked, "Ah, okay."

I shrugged, "Wh-"

Destiny cut me off, "No. Matthew and Alfred invited us to eat lunch with us."

"Oh," I replied weakly.

"So what's that? What'd you bring for lunch?" Hikaru asked.

"Not important," I grinned, "Off to Matthew?"

I turned to look at Destiny, who had already began to walk away.

"Huh?" I flinched, "Hey! Destiny! Wait! I want to hang out with Matthew, too!" I yelped darting over to Matthew, Alfred, and a few others.

"HEY! I'M HERE, TOO!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I plopped down next to Alfred, and sent him a dismissive hand movement, "Oh, yeah. You too."

You have no idea how hard it is to ignore the twins once they get started.

So to avoid the problem we- I mean the Host Club, Destiny, and myself.

And yes, I dragged Matthew, Alfred, and Arthur with me.

So here we are now, sitting in a classroom, hiding from the twins.

Kyoya sighed looking at his calculator, "Looking at the numbers, if the situation isn't resolved, I'm afraid we're going to have to stop offering our brotherly love package. We're down one pair of loving brothers. Oh, Haruhi, I just want you to know there's no reason for you to feel responsible. Even though it was your tactless comment that started this whole feud between the twins in the first place, right?"

Destiny looked at Matthew, "This is probably a, 'no,' but since he obviously blames Haruhi, do you think you could fill that role with Alfred?"

Alfred grinned, "Dude! That sounds fun!"

Matthew sighed, "Um... I-I love Alfred and all, b-but, no. Not going to happen."

Destiny snorted, "Me too, though."

Haruhi leaned up against me, muttering softly, "Clearly, he blames me for this."

I pat her head, "Thank you, Captain Obvious."

Honey was playing with his bunny's arms, "It's weird for Hika-chan and Kao-chan to be fighting like this. It's never happened before."

Haruhi looked over, "They've never fought before?"

I snorted, "I have a sibling, and I have to say, it is impossible to live this long and not have at least 2 fights. Even if they are stupid and pointless."

Honey- not once looking away from Usa-chan, "I've known Hika-chan and Kao-chan since we were in preschool. We weren't in the same year, so I never really got to talk to them. But I remember that the two of them always played together."

Alfred looked at Matthew, his blue eyes glazed with an unreadable emotion, "Just because they play with each doesn't mean that they haven't fought. Matthew and I used to play all the time, but we had a fight that lasted 3 years. And Arthur and I used to play together, and we fought for 8 years."

Matthew flinched, "Well, I didn't really have a choice."

Arthur crossed his arms stubbornly, "You started it."

Tamaki- who had been slouching, sat up his head now resting on his hand, "Yeah, that's true. I mean, I've only known the twin since they were in middle school, but they definitely stood out. It seemed like they kept everyone at a distance except each other. Believe it or not, they were even more warped back then. When you stop and think about it, maybe this fight is a good thing for them. Maybe it means that the twins are expanding their horizons a bit. We should just leave them alone and let them work it out."

~Time Skip~

We don't really need to be here, in fact, there is no Host Club today.

I sat off to the side, texting Matthew for help, as the twins started to throw things at each other.

Sadly, the quiet Canadian couldn't come to my rescue as he was in a meeting.

Damn forgot to ask about his "auto correct," I realized, with a sigh.

Tamaki finally having enough crossed his arms, and lifted a hand to hold his head said with a strained voice, "Don't you guys think that maybe it's time you give up all this fighting? It's driving me insane."

I jumped to my feet, "It's driving all of us insane!"

Hikaru shot me a look, "What'd you say? It's driving you insane? You've gotta be kidding me. How do you think I feel right now? Every time I look in the mirror, I see his face."

My eyes darkened, oh, yeah. Well when I look in the mirror, I see a pathetic girl who can't even hold her ground. I see a pitiful child who is beaten for no other reason than the fact that it is "fun." I see a useless... thing that can't even reach out to anyone for help.

"I'm sick and tired of constantly being mistaken for you, Kaoru! The truth is I hate your guts!" Hikaru yelled at his brother.

Kaoru growled, "You took the words right out of my mouth. In fact, I hate you so much I bought this, Belzenef, the cursed doll," he snapped pulling out a cat doll, "I'm going to complete the curse, Hikaru. I'm going to write your name on his back. From this day forward, you're going to experience nothing but misfortune and sorrow!"

Tamaki let out a screeched of horror and hugged me, I can't tell if it's to protect me or to hide behind me, though...

"Would you guys knock it off?" Finally, Haruhi snapped. She rushed forward punching them both, "What do you think you're doing?" She snapped, not caring that both boys had tears in their eyes, "You don't bring something like this into a petty fight. Both of you are at fault here but what's really sad is that you brought everyone else around you into your big mess! Now apologize to each other! If you don't makeup right now, I'll never let you come over to my house. Have I made myself clear?"

I closed my eyes suddenly feeling a sense of dread like Haruhi just said something wrong.

Hikaru and Kaoru slowly smiled and stood up, walking around her, "So then what you're saying, Haruhi, is that if we makeup, we can come over to your place?"

Haruhi's face drained of color, as she flipped over the doll, and put two and two together.

My heart stopped as she screamed.


Hikaru hugged his brother, "I'm so sorry, Kaoru. Even though I was just following our script, I said such awful things to you. I'm not fit to be your brother."


Kaoru hugged him back, "Don't say that, Hikaru. I was so worried. I couldn't live with myself if I ever thought I had hurt you."


I felt really dizzy as Hikaru spoke, "Kaoru, I'll never let you go again."


My head hurt as Kaoru yelled, "Hikaru."


Honey started to yell at them waving his arms everywhere as Haruhi dropped the doll, "You gotta be kidding. You mean you guys were faking it this whole time?"


Hikaru and Kaoru shrugged, "We didn't have anything else to do. We were bored."


Haruhi fell to her knees she whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "They totally fooled me."

At... any time... so...

"Twins with too much time on their hands... are the devil," Tamaki muttered laying face down on the ground.

Now... now, where will we go to get away from Thomas...?


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