Chapter 36

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"Al-Alfred you can't skip classes!" Matthew gasped, his purple eyes wide as he looked at his brother, the two passed by the garden on the school lot.

Both males froze upon hearing startled gasps, both shared a look with each other and shuffled closer to the garden to check if the person or people as it sounded like who made the gasps were okay.

The froze when they saw (Y/n) and Destiny, both girls had blood all over their arms and hands. America lifted his phone quickly and snapped a picture of what the two saw, both girls were in shock, their eyes glued to their own arms or hands.

"D-Destiny... what... what happened?" (Y/n) whispered.

Destiny's icy blue eyes were narrowed as she studied her hand, "Honestly?"

"... Yes..."

"I'm not sure."

(Y/n)'s head lowered and she slowly dropped her arm, "But... this... this isn't normal..."

Destiny nodded, "Yeah, I know."

Both males shared a look and headed over to the school building their conversation forgotten as the attempted to find the rest of the nation personifications. Once they found them they dragged them into another room.

"They are right!" America blurted.

"Who are?" England asked.

"The Micros!" America said turning his gaze to the Brit.

Sealand who was also in the room crossed his arms, "Of course I am!"

"What do you mean?"

"I told you yesterday that they know when someone is a nation or not," Italy spoke.

"Well yeah, but-"

Canada finally spoke, "America and I walked past Destiny and (Y/n) on our way to school and because we were near they healed injuries."

The entire room went silent, the only sound heard for a long time was breathing.

Finally, someone said the same thing on everyone's mind, "So we know that they are nations... but why were they hurt?"

The nations ended their meeting by agreeing the have someone get close to them in order to protect them. Seeing as though Canada already had both of their numbers and they were already friends.

~Else where~

"Alright, men! ... And Haruhi!" Tamaki said at their own little meeting, "The twins report to me that this morning they had bruising and blood on them."

Both twins nodded.

Hikaru spoke up, "(Y/n) and Destiny had really bloody arms."

His brother added on, "They quickly went into the garden to deal with it."

Honey frowned, "Someone is hurting them...?"

"That's what the way they act would tell us," Kyoya muttered.

"Nooooo!" Honey cried and whined.

Mori put his hand on his cousin's shoulder, "Calm down. We don't know if it is true," he was worried himself but he was trying to calm down his cousin.

Haruhi stayed quiet and stared out the window, part of her wanted to tell them. Wanted to spill everything in hopes that they could do something to protect them. But the other part told her not too. Told her that they couldn't do anything. Reminded her they, she promised not to say anything.

But she knew that it was the right thing to do. She knew that telling them could potentially save their lives. But something kept stopping her and she didn't know why. They would explain for her... But did she really want to risk their trust?

Haruhi frowned she loves them they are like family to her but... Even family will turn on each other if they feel betrayed.

~Flash Back~

Destiny, (Y/n) and Haruhi sat in Haruhi's room the first two looked horrid. One with a black eye and a handprint on her face the other with scratches and bruises all over her stomach.

Haruhi sighed as she helped (Y/n) clean up the scratches on her arms, "(Y/n)... Destiny, you two have to tell the police or someone..."

(Y/n) flinched, "No! Haruhi we can't."

Destiny sent a scowl toward Haruhi the red handprint looked redder when the cut in her hairline let more blood drain and it dripped down her face.

Her icy blue eyes glared at her through one swollen black eye, "They'll separate us."

Haruhi frowned and looked down, "No... Maybe... Maybe if I tell my dad... We could work something out. I'm sure he'll be okay with you staying with us."

(Y/n) gave her a soft small, "Haruhi... We can't do anything. We just have to deal with it."

Haruhi looked up angrily, "No! You don't have to deal with it! I'm here! My dad is here! We can help you!"

Destiny put her hand on Haruhi's shoulder, "It's all okay, Haru... This is just something that we have to live with."

Haruhi gave both females a sad smile, "I want you to both be safe. (Y/n)... Destiny... It's only fair for you to be just as safe as the rest of us."

(Y/n) let out an amused airy laugh, "It is alright we will be okay."

Haruhi frowned but didn't say anything because before she could she heard the from door open and close.


~Flash Back End~


The female jumped.

Shaking her head free of any and all thoughts and turned to face the source of the voice.

Her brown eyes meet purple.

"... Yes...?" She asked softly.

"What were you mumbling about over there?" Tamaki asked tilting his heads.

Haruhi frowned and rested her head in the palm of her hand.

Kyoya glanced at the female studying her for any kind of clue she might give him, "Is there something you want to say?"

Haruhi bit her lip and looked to the side, putting both her pride and worry aside she shook her head, big brown eyes closed.

"Their Uncle."

"What?" Honey asked.

Tamaki blinked a few times, "What about their uncle?"

Haruhi sighed and opened her eyes to stare out the window. Her eyes landed on her two friends. Still keeping her head rested in her palm, "They live with their uncle, Thomas. He's aggressive toward them. They hide it to some extent. They don't want people to know..."

"Why?" The twins asked at the same time.

"If the police and child protection services find out they'll be moved."

"That wouldn't be a bad thing," Tamaki muttered.

Kyoya slowly nodded, "They don't want to be separated."

Haruhi hummed in response, "Exactly."

Tamaki looked down, "We have to help them. They are members of the Host Club as well as our friends. It is our job to help them."

Haruhi looked over at them, "Don't you think that I've been trying to help them? They shot me down every time."

Haruhi's next words shot through them.

"We can't help people who too scared to be helped."


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