Chapter 40

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Haruhi giggled, "He's just telling you to remind himself."

"Oh," she blushed embarrassedly, "Oh hey, Ryoji... Have you heard anything about-?"

"Yes, I have," He cut her off, "(Y/n), your sister is okay. Destiny is fine, she... Is gonna go into surgery soon..."

The female, (Y/n) looked down at her hands when were folded neatly in her lap, "Destiny..."

Her sister and best friend... She pushed her out if the way, that may be the reason that she has a concussion but she doesn't blame her.

Haruhi put her hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, "Dad..."

Ryoji sent them a sad smile, "It's all right girls..."

"No. No, it's not," (Y/n) whispered, "We were trying to keep everyone unknowing of what was going on and instead we ended up putting you into a big pit of medical bills. And now my sisters going into surgery..."

Ryoji sat down next to the girls, "Actually... Your friends said that they would pay for it all."

"Really?" She whispered.

"Yeah," Ryoji nodded, "Your friend Kyoya told me that the hosts agreed to pay for... This..."

Haruhi rolled her eyes, "I'm sure that they are just showing off."

(Y/n) laughed, "Yeah, probably."

Worried she looked down, her sister- the only person who she thought of as family for the longest time was going into surgery and she couldn't do anything but it and wait for feedback. It hurt her, mental pain can be even more hurtful than physical pain.

Next, to her, Haruhi lay her head resting on the bed. The Twins, Honey, Mori, and Tamaki were scattered about the room. Just like Haruhi, they were out cold. Well (Y/n) thought they were.

It wasn't long ago that she had found out about her sister, and now somewhere in the same building that was currently housing her, her sister was in or going into surgery.

No doctor or nurse had been in a while. Despite being able to go home she talked to a doctor about staying one more day as a just in case.

It would give Ranka a few more hours of work time anyway. It took her and Haruhi almost an hour to convince him that we will be fine here, Haruhi told him that she would text him updates.

A yawn came from the female in the hospital bed, just like the rest of the room she was getting tired. She leaned back and tried to relax. But to no avail, she was too nervous.

Everyone was quiet, and every once in a while they would look to the door. Each knowing that they were at a hospital-owned by the Ootori they each knew that Kyoya himself was talking to the doctors and nurses. So they all kept looking at the door waiting for Kyoya to come in and tell them what is going on with the other member of the Host Club. Each one beginning to nod off.

All the heads in the room lifted and turned to face the door as it opened. They all shifted to sit up and stare at the person. They could all agree that he looked exhausted. His black hair wasn't as neat as normal, his eyes reflected how tired he was, but he still stood tall.

Haruhi and (Y/n) glanced at each other than at the teen. (Y/n) getting words out faster than her friend, "Kyoya! Is she okay? Has she..."

His face didn't change as he sat down, shaking his head.

Tamaki flinched, "You don't mean..."

Kyoya didn't say anything he just rested his elbows on his knees and dropped his head into his hands.

Tears sparkled in a pair of (e/c) orbs, "Wait... You can't be serious..."

"(Y/n)," a voice spoke. Haruhi...

She glanced over to Haruhi as her voice rang out once more but her lips didn't move.

"(Y/n) wake up," Haruhi's voice came out again.

A yawn came from the female in the hospital bed, her (e/c) fluttering open. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She glanced at Haruhi blinking, "what's up?"

Haruhi gave her a worried smile, "Sorry, you shifted to lay on my arm and it was starting to hurt."

She blinked, "Oh! I'm sorry, Haruhi..." She frowned, "Has Kyoya come by yet...?"

Haruhi shook her head, "No why?"

(Y/n) sighed, "I... erm... Had a dream where he did... Not the outcome I'm looking forward too."

Haruhi nodded and hugged her, "That's not what I want either..."

Suddenly all the heads in the room lifted and turned to face the door as it opened. They all shifted to sit up and stare at the person. They could all agree that he looked exhausted. His black hair wasn't as neat as normal, his eyes reflected how tired he was, but he still stood tall.

Haruhi and (Y/n) glanced at each other than at the teen. (Y/n) getting words out faster than her friend, "Kyoya! Is she okay? Has she..."

He walked into the room and sat down, just rested his elbows on his knees looking down, "She's okay."

Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief.

Kyoya looked up, "She just got out."

(Y/n) smiled, "Thank you..."

Tamaki grinned, "Good to know she's okay."

Kyoya nodded, "Yeah," Kyoya leaned back. (Y/n) studied his face, his eyes showed that he was worried, they kept darting to the door, "She should be good to go home in a few days."

She understood him, she would give anything to be with her sister right now. So she watched him waiting until he returned her gaze. Once he did she nodded her head toward the door and he knew that she was telling him to go be with her.

She turned to face Haruhi, "You can text your dad..."

Haruhi nodded and began to text him.

(Y/n) looked to the wall watching Kyoya leave from the corner of her eye, she was glad that her little nightmare was just, in fact, a nightmare.


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