Hes drunk AF

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Kylo is out right now.  I am in the training room practice my fighting. When suddenly a storm trooper comes in. "Y/N  supreme leader kylo is drunk and laying around the hallway".  "Where is he?" " follow me mis/mister". I follow the storm trooper to kylo. "Thanks fjlo5642" I tell the storm trooper.  "Yyyyyyyy/nnnnnnn " ( your name just him saying it longer) kylo yells. I laugh at the sight of him. He is spread across the hallway.  " I wove you y/n"  "I love you too kylo". "Can you get up kylo". He gets up but stumbled around. I grabbed one of his arms and rest it on my shoulder to take some of his weight. I lead him into our room and make him sit on our bed. I go grab some water and give it to ky. " ky drink this " . He drinks the water and accidentally drops the glass and it smashes all over the floor. " aww kylo are you ok?" I go and clean up glass. After I checked up on my baby boy. He is asleep on the bed. He looks so innocent when he sleeps. It makes you think think how can someone so cute kill so many people. But he is mine and will always be my baby boy.  I go over and kiss his forehead and I see he is now smiling in his sleep. I love my baby boy even if he is drunk.

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