His birthday part 1

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I woke up with a pressure on my stomach. I look down to Kylo's beautiful head on my stomach. He rarely does that, but when he does I love it not like.  I need to get his party ready but I can't move.  I don't want him to wake up yet and if I move he will wake up.  I take the risk of moving. I gently lift his head and place his head on a pillow. That was earlier than it normally is.  I  rush to the room where the party is going to be at. I get there and see the stormtroopers already helping setting up.  I must thank hux for lending me some stormtroopers.  I help them for an hour. It is now nine a-clock. I put the last touches to the room. I then run to make Kylo his favourite breakfast. I could get him something from the cafeteria but he loves my cooking. I bake him pancakes for breakfast. One they are ready I put the pancakes on a tray and carry them with a fork and maple syrup to our room. I look at Kylo and I place the try on the side table. I sit on the side of the bed beside him. I gently shake him hoping to wake him. His eyes open very slowly. "Morning birthday boy". "Morning" he mumbles. " I made you breakfast". He sits up right away. I giggle a little bit at his reaction to me cooking him breakfast. I pick up the tray and place it on his lap.

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