You find him passed out from working too hard

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I woke up and found out it is midnight and Ky hasn't come to bed yet. I get out of bed and get my robe on.  I walk out of our room and stroll through the halls to see where kylo could be. I walk to the training room and I found kylo on the floor in a small puddle of water? I walk closer and it is sweat because it smells. He over worked himself in till he passed out.  I gently shake him hoping I can wake him up. I can't lift him. I call someone stormtroopers saying kylo needs to be carried to the medic bay. Once he is there the medics started to examine him. They stopped and told me he is fine he will eventually wake up. Also to not let him get up and just make him lie down and rest. I asked the stormtroopers to carry him to our bed in our room. Thanks once he is there I tuck him nicely in to the blankets. I lie on the other side of the bed and fall asleep soon after.

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