He thinks your cheating part 2

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*Reminder *
Once I get there I see kylo crying on the bed. I never seen him like this before. "Kylo what's wrong?". "You". Ouch that kinda hurts. "What have I done?" "Why am I not good enough for you?"
*end of reminder*
Your prov
"What are taking about Ky?" "Why am I not good enough that you have to cheat on me?" He thinks I am cheating on him. I was to busy planning his birthday party to realize that he thought I would cheat on him. I can't believe I would not realized that what I was doing would look bad in his eye. He was always insecure about him being not good enough for anyone. He was like that since he was a little boy because he was never good enough for his dad. My poor baby boy. "Kylo you are more than good enough and I would never cheat on you". "Where were you then y/n?" "I was planning something that I can't tell you". " why can't you I thought we don't keep secrets in this relationship" kylo said. "Ky I love you and we don't but you will find out very soon I promise you". He stares at me for a minute and then finally nods. I walk over to him and he leans his head into my stomach. I put my hand in to his hair and just play with it. I hope he likes the party and I hope it was worth it.

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