Chapter 1

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The hot sun seared through my clothes, I could feel the sweat running down my back like a river. It didn't make sense to me; how people could live in this heat day after day. Home was never like this, I was never this hot even with all the blankets in the house piled on top of me. Yet people were walking around, laughing, playing, talking with not a care in the world. Of course, being this wealthy, why would you worry about anything? It was almost like no one had any troubles on the surface.


A low voice called out my name as I turned and rushed to the man calling, he took my hand as he looked down at my face, his dull blue eyes drifted over my brighter ones.

"We need to start heading home," He says as he turns from me. "We have a lot of work to do."

I look up again at the blue sky, this may be the last time I'll see it.

. . .

"Rise and shine, soldier!"

The clanging of metal follows the loud voice. I can't take being woken up like this every morning. I groan and roll onto my face, stuffing my pillow over my ears in attempt to drown out the noise. "It's too early to get up now!" I complain as the blankets are stripped off my bed.

A small moment of silence follows before my bed starts to be lifted from one side, accompanied by a shallow grunt. Before I realize it, I'm lying face first on the floor in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and underwear, of course, since I was sleeping. I roll over on my back and force myself to open my eyes to see a pair of wide brown ones staring down at me.

"It's about time!" the eyes say, "if it takes this much effort to get you up I might as well send Erwin in here! Now get off the floor, get dressed, we've got stuff to do!"

A hand yanks me up off the floor and on to my feet before I can blink. A loud yawn escapes from my mouth as I dig out some clothes from my drawer. "I don't see why I have to get up at the crack of dawn for training or whatever it is I do. It's not like I'm an official member or anything." A hand lands on my shoulder and pats, more like slaps my back, "you may not be an official member, but that doesn't mean that you can't train! You could come in handy someday." I glace at Hange's face, her glasses reflecting the morning sun like a mirror. "Great. That makes me feel special" I mumble as I brush out my hair, letting it fall at the center of my back in wavy locks of flat black.

"You are special" Hange says before she walks out of my room. I sigh and slip on a white shirt and pants, then slide into my boots.

I stop to look at my reflection in the mirror. How am I of all people, special?

I walk down the wooden stairs to be greeted by the large group of soldiers laughing and talking over their breakfast. I walk over to the old wooden table closest to the door to join Levi his squad.

"Good morning!" Petra sings cheerfully as I sit at the table. "Morning everyone" I say as everyone else responds in smiles and nods.

I turn to Levi, "So what kind of torture do you have planned for me today?" I ask jokingly. He looks over at me, a small hint of concern in his eyes, but it leaves in an instant. "Just some hand-to-hand combat training." He says in his usual monotone voice as he turns back to his tea.

I sigh and slump down into the seat next to him as he slides over a cup of black tea. I take the cup and hold it with my hand on the opposite side of the handle as I slowly drink the sweet beverage inside. Glancing around the table, I sigh again slightly louder than before. Levi lets out a low growl and looks over at me, "What is it now?"

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