Chapter 18

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I make my way to the dining hall where Erwin, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, and Levi are sitting at one of the tables. I pretend not to notice the surprised stares from everyone, especially Levi. He almost looks scared compared to the others' expressions, but I decide not to look into it.

I put on the best smile I can manage as I sit down across from Erwin and Levi, Eren and the others to my right.

"You cut your hair" Erwin observes, his face stern.

I feel my smile falter, but I pull it back together. "Yeah. It was getting a bit too long." The more I think about it, the more I start to regret it. It's fine, it always gets in the way anyways. I should've had Levi do it for me, at least then it would've been even. He can still fix it later, right?

Hange walks over and places a plate of food in front of me, pushing all those thoughts out of my head. Without missing a beat, I start shoving the food in my mouth. Lukewarm soup and plain bread have never tasted this good. Compared to what those guys fed us; this is heaven. I pick up the bowl and begin to drink the soup, but Levi reaches over the table and takes it from me, telling me to slow down.

I glance over at Eren as he pushes his plate away. Mikasa slides it back in front of him, but he shoves it away again.

Erwin sighs, "I hate to ask you these questions so soon, but I need you two to tell us everything that happened while you were in the underground district in Maria." He's trying to keep his voice calm, but I can tell he's anxious to get this information.

I nod quietly and look over at Eren. We stare at each other for a bit before I turn back to Erwin, taking a deep breath, "We were in a cage."

He nods, prompting me to continue. "A man showed up, he..." my words get stuck in my throat and I look up at Levi, who stares back sadly.

"Don't push them." He says to Erwin, though he's still looking at me.

Erwin sighs again and combs his hair back with his fingers, "Fine. But I hope you realize how important this is, Levi."

Levi grumbles a "yes" in response before Erwin gets up and leaves us.

"Thanks," I say a bit too quietly, expecting Levi to tell me to speak up, but he doesn't.

"You're still going to have to talk to him, Alice."

I look down at the table and nod slowly. Eren hasn't said anything since we escaped. How long had it been since then? It feels like we got back yesterday, but for all, I know we could've been at HQ for weeks.

"When did we get here?" Eren looks up at Levi after I ask my question.

He shrugs, "Two or three days, not too long."

I don't know what to say, so I keep quiet. I watch Levi take a sip from his tea. He still holds his cups from the top, I've asked him why he does that a few times before but he either ignored me or gave a sarcastic response. I tried to imitate him once, but I ended up dropping the cup and spilling tea everywhere.

"I'm guessing you didn't eat much while you were there," He continues and slides mine and Eren's plates closer to us, "So, eat."

Eren starts to eat this time, but I just stare at my remaining soup. I've lost my appetite; I've got other things on my mind besides eating right now.

I watch Eren push around the food on his plate, taking small bites every once in a while. I want to talk to him, but I don't know what I'd say. He probably doesn't want to talk to me either, it was my fault we were captured in the first place.

I guess Levi got the hint that I won't be eating anything else, so he gets up to take my plate into the kitchen.

"Your hair is a mess," He comments once he gets back. I comb my hand through my hair self-consciously and Levi makes his way to the other side of the table, inspecting my hack job. "Let's go fix this."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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