Chapter 9

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We sit on the side of the street, I watch bugs crawl across the dirt roads, everyone's chat is heard in the back of my mind, their words barely audible.

I'm in trouble, I'm in big trouble. I hadn't stopped to think before all this what would happen if I were to go against direct orders, I was focused on helping, on doing what's right. I wanted to prove myself, I couldn't do that sitting and waiting, hoping for my friends to return.

The Survey Corps are out on an expedition, they'd be heading back by now upon hearing the Colossus titan had broken into Trost, and Levi's going to tear me a new one.

People start shouting behind me, but I'm still deep in thought. Until a loud explosion rips through the air and tears me from my thoughts.

I jump up quickly and start heading in the direction of the noise.

On top of the nearby building, there's the perfect view of the street over, but it's covered in a thick layer of opaque white steam, but I can barely make out a large figure close to the wall; a titan.

What happened? How did a titan get in here?

The steam thins out and reveals a large army of Garrison soldiers surrounding the titan.

Another burst of steam emits from the nape of the titan's neck, though it's hard to tell what's causing it.

I can barely make out a couple shuffling figures around the titan, I can only guess they must be Mikasa and Armin, as they were surrounded after scaling down the wall.

That must mean...

Shortly after a third figure joins them, the large titan collapses, emitting another large cloud of the white steam.

It's hard to see what's happening, but I don't dare move closer for fear of being caught.

All I can make out are small figures shuffling about on the ground, what are they doing? What's happening? What does this mean for us?

. . .

We are lined up once again in front of the wall, I can make out Dot Pixis, commander of the Garrison standing tall atop the wall. Behind him are three others; Mikasa, Armin, and... Eren.

People are shouting, scared, I'm sure. I'm terrified myself, but at least I have the decency to keep quiet about it.


A loud shout is heart from the wall, causing everyone to immediately turn in the direction of the shout; Pixis.

"I will now explain our strategy to recapture Trost district!" Eren comes up and stands beside Pixis, saluting.

"The goal of this operation will be to plug the whole in the broken gate!"

People around start to chatter, "How will we do that?" "Is he crazy?" "What is he talking about?"

"We have a way to seal the hole, but first I want to introduce you to Eren Yeager from the Training Corps!"

I knew it. I knew it was Eren, that titan earlier. He made it.

"We've been conducting top secret experiments on titan transformation, and this soldier is our first success! He is able to purify the body of a titan and control it at will!"

A couple seconds pause and Pixis continues, "He will turn into a titan, pick up the boulder near the gate, carry it over, and use it to plug the hole!

Soldiers, your task is to protect him from the other titans while he's carrying the rock!"

The crowd once again becomes alive, shouting and crying. A few people leave, others warning them of the death punishment. Higher-ups pursue those running away, their blades drawn.

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