Ocean Romance - DC/PJs Crossover[Arthur Curry x Fem Percy Jackson.

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Full name
Perseus Jackson


Head Counselor of Cabin 3
Savior of Olympus
Hero of Olympus
Daughter of Poseidon
Host of Nekhbet
Supreme Lady Of The Bathroom (Title of Chapter 6 in The Lightning Thief)
Penny Johnson, Pearl Johanssan, Perry Jorgensen (by Dionysus)
Seaweed Brain (by Annabeth and Thalia)
Kelp Head (by Thalia)
Aqua Man, Water Girl (by Leo)

Poseidon (father)
Sally Jackson (mother)
Gabe Ugliano †(former step-father)
Amphitrite (step-mother)
Paul Blofis (step-father)
Tyson (paternal half-brother)
Jim Jackson †(grandfather)
Estelle Jackson †(grandmother)
Rich Jackson †(great-uncle)
Estelle Blofis (maternal half-sister)

Eye color
Sea Green

Hair Color
Jet Black

Guinea Pig (briefly)

Camp Half-Blood
Camp Jupiter

Camp Half-Blood
Camp Jupiter (briefly)

Wristwatch Shield (formerly)


"Am I a troubled kid? Yeah, you could say that."
Percy about herself, in The Lightning Thief

Perseus "Percy" Jackson is a seventeen-year-old Greek demigod, the daughter of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. She is the head counselor of Poseidon's Cabin and a former Praetor of the Twelfth Legion at Camp Jupiter.

Early life

Perseus "Percy" Jackson was born on August 18, 1993, She was raised by her single mother, Sally Jackson. Percy is named after the famed Greek hero Perseus by her mother for good luck, because her namesake was one of the only heroes who had a happy ending and died a peaceful death.

Sally's parents tragically died in an unfortunate plane crash when she was five. When Percy was a baby, her father, Poseidon, left to protect her and her mother from evil monsters. However, Poseidon visited her when she was in her cradle, which Percy described as a "golden glow" and her father's warm smile and a hand on her head.

Soon, Poseidon left due to affairs in Mount Olympus. When she was a toddler, her mother married Gabe Ugliano, hoping his horrid smell will mask Percy from monsters, whom Percy despised and called "Smelly Gabe" because of his body odor that smelled like moldy garlic pizza wrapped in gym shorts.

Strange things often happened around Percy, often resulting in her getting into some kind of trouble or getting kicked out of school. When she was just a baby, Percy was attacked by a snake but managed to strangle it to death, just like the famous demigod Hercules.

When she was in third grade, a large man followed Percy around when she was at school, but by threatening to call the police, the teachers eventually got the man to leave. However, nobody believed her when she said that the man had one big eye.

When she was in fourth grade, she accidentally hit the wrong lever on the catwalk when her school was visiting the Sea World Shark Pool and made her class take an unplanned swim. Then in fifth grade, she accidentally fired a war cannon which hit the school bus at the Saratoga Battlefield.

Percy recounted that she was expelled from six schools over the course of six years.

"She's actually pretty intelligent, but she acts so dumb sometimes. I wonder if she does it just to annoy me. The girl has a lot going for her. She's courageous. She's got a sense of humor."
–Annabeth about Percy, in The Demigod Files interview.

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