Guardian Raven - Marvel[Loki x Oc - Omegaverse]

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Raven Cronwell

Code Name:
Nova Imperator

May 8th

+2000 (Chronologically)
27 (Physical Appearance)



6 foot 4 inches

310 lbs

Black with a Red streak

Golden Amber

Weaponized Adamantium Arm

Warm fire, fresh paper, sour apples, and mint shampoo.

Hellfire Atonement: Any level of heat can be used through Raven's black Adamantium arm.

unknown mother
unknown father

Loki Odinson/Laufyson

Pairing:Loki Odinson/Laufyson

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Winter breeze, pine, green lavender cologne, and crisp ironed clothing.

Thor - Alpha x Steve - Omega
Natasha - Alpha x Bruce - Omega
Clint - Beta x Laura - Beta
Pietro - Beta x Darcy - Beta
Sam - Beta x Wanda - Beta
Tony - Alpha x Pepper - Omega
Wade -Alpha x Vanessa - Omega

Raven is a practical tactician who uses even himself as a weapon. He was normal once, a well-known warrior in ancient times till he was infected with something that gave him long life, as the years passed, he learned anything that interested him and things that he would need for later on in life.

But as an Alpha, his rut would come and he'd be stuck either working it out on his own or if an Omega offered to relieve him, and themselves in the process, but he never bonded to any or made children with any of them. He was careful about that. He wanted a family with his true mate.

It made him a suitable match for many Alpha or Beta parents trying to marry off their Omega sons or daughters. But he would decline respectfully, which surprised many as Alphas are usually aggressive and the more dominating of the three genders. Raven just figured the one he knew was his, would send him into his crazy rut aggression.

It wasn't till his escape when HYDRA fell that he came across the scent that drove him into his pre-rut early. The scent came to him in a strong wind on the streets of New York, he had just finished a job and was on his way back to Sister Margaret's a former Catholic boarding house turned mercenary bar,

The scent came from a guy with medium height and pushed back black hair, he smelled like Winter breeze, pine, green lavender cologne, and crisp ironed clothing. Raven had followed him and when the wind blew his scent to him he turned and Raven was thrown by his beauty, he had never seen a more beautiful person in his long years.

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