Chapter 5

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**Taehyung's POV** 

I woke up at the familiar footsteps once again, pushing myself off the floor. I heard the cell door unlock with a 'click'. I watched as an ominous black blob entered the cell. I screamed and covered my head with my hands at the foreign object that was coming towards me. 

" What the fuck are you screaming for. It hurts my ears. " I heard the familiar voice of the guy, that I now know to be called Jungkook, say. I put my hands down and looked up to see him behind the blob. 

" A big black blob was approaching. " I said, not realizing how dumb I sounded. I heard him sigh and screeched again as the black blob was thrown at me. There was a warmth radiating off of the black blob. I wrapped the warmth around myself as I came to a realization that it was a blanket. I snuggled deeper into it, sighing in relief at the warmth that I haven't felt in, what felt like, forever. I looked up at him, a grateful look in my eyes. My constant shivering eventually stopped as I squirmed from how uncomfortable skinny jeans get after long periods of time. 

" Thanks for the blanket. " I said, the coldness of the room being much more tolerable. 

" Mmm. Can't have you dying of hypothermia. " He said in a bored tone. 

" Why didn't you bring one when I asked the first time? " I asked. 

" It probably feels much colder to you than to me. " He answered. Does he not feel cold? I looked around, noticing that he didn't bring any food or drinks like he normally does. I looked up at him, planning on questioning. I stopped as I noticed him looking at me in a strange way. He began to slowly walk towards me. I widened my eyes as I scooted myself backward from how menacing he looked at this moment in time. 

" What are you- " I started, but was interrupted by my back hitting the wall behind me. He continued coming closer as my breath began to speed up. He lowered himself so he was practically sitting on my lap. I realized what he was doing and began to panic. I remembered how weak I felt last time. I don't want that again. 

" Wait, wait, wait. " I rushed out, as he moved the blanket off my shoulders. 

" I waited as long as I could. If I wait longer I'm going to starve to death. " He said in his cold tone. He can starve? I gulped to myself as I felt my tee shirt being pulled down to expose more of my neck. 

" Stop hyperventilating. It's going to make things worse. " He said as he leaned his face into my neck. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in an attempt to relax. I somehow managed to steady my breathing. I heard him inhale deeply, most likely taking in my scent that he said was extremely good. I felt a sharp pain shortly after, wincing. I could physically feel the fluid leaving my veins as he gulped down my blood. The lightheaded feeling that I was dreading took over me as I let myself lay limply against the wall. Jungkook soon pulled away leaving my lap. I weakly pulled the blanket back up to cover my shoulders. 

" I hate this feeling. " I mumbled, mostly to myself. My eyes slowly began to flutter closed, but snapped back open when I heard a voice. 

" Don't fall asleep. You haven't eaten today yet. " He said in a demanding tone. 

" But- " 

" Just do as I said. " I sighed, attempting to force myself to stay awake. I pulled my knees up to my chest, huddling myself against the wall and into the blanket at the same time. I watched as he left, leaving the door open. I assumed that he went to go get me food. Maybe I can just take a short nap. It will be fine, right? I slowly let the need to sleep consume me as I leaned against the wall. 


" I thought I said not to sleep. " A harsh voice said, waking me. I flinched sightly as his tone, snapping my eyes open. 

" Sorry. " I mumbled weakly. He sighed loudly as he walked over and sat in front of me. He lifted a piece of steak of the plate with a fork and held it in front of my mouth. Wait, was he feeding me? I hesitantly opened my mouth and he shoved the steak in. I chewed the steak, swallowing soon after. We repeated the process until all of the food was gone. He then lifted a cup to my lips, tilting it slowly. I swallowed the liquid, which I discovered to be orange juice. He pulled the cup away without letting me finish all of it. He held the same pill that he always gives me in front of my face, placing it on my tongue. The orange juice was now back at my lips. I swallowed the sweet and sour liquid, the pill going with it. After I swallowed all of the juice, he stood up with the now empty plate. 

" Thank you. " I mumbled, moving myself so I was laying flat on the floor. He didn't respond to me, causing me to sigh. I closed my eyes as I heard the cell door close. My eyes began to droop shut, the cold no longer bothering me because of the thick blanket that I was given. I let sleep once again take over me, hoping that I would feel better when I woke up. However, when I was in a half asleep state, I faintly heard the door open once again, followed by a thump of something being placed next to me. I heard the noise of pencil writing on paper, but was too worn out to open my eyes. The noise soon stopped, footsteps retreating away from my location. The door shut quietly, leaving me alone once again. I let myself fall into a deep sleep, forgetting about what I heard for now. 


My eyelids parted, welcoming the usual darkness of my location. I sat up off the hard floor, feeling weak but not as much as I did when I fell asleep. I stretched out my arms, hearing my joints crack. I looked to my right, seeing another gallon of water placed there. On the gallon, there was a sticky note. That must of been what I heard being written. 

The note read: 

Make sure to drink all of this.
Jimin is still forcing me to talk to you, so I'll be back at somepoint.
I don't want my 4.5M dollar Lamborghini getting thrown off a cliff. 


What's a Lamborghini? I'm going to assume that it's a type of car. I sighed to myself and leaned against the wall. I wonder if he will ever let me out of here. It's extremely boring being confined to a small space. I miss my midnight walks and the faint light of the moon. I already said I won't run away, so why does he still keep me down here? He probably doesn't believe me. Obviously he wouldn't believe me. Anyone who's in their right mind would take the first opportunity they can get to run from this place. At this point I know I've been gone for more than two days. My parents are going to beat the shit out of me if I return now, after being gone that long. Thanks to this Jimin, Jungkook actually doesn't treat me that bad. Anyone would say I'm insane for preferring to stay here with a being that kills humans after being kidnapped. Maybe I am insane. I sighed to myself as I picked up the gallon of water. I struggled a little with the weight because of my weak muscles, but managed. I twisted the cap off, placing it on my lap. I tilted the gallon forwards, gulping down the cool liquid. I accidentally spilled a fair amount on myself. 

" Ah, shit. " I muttered at the icy feeling that was running down my abdomen. I sighed, twisting the cap back on. I really hope I can get out of here at least once, even if I have to go back afterwards. Im sad that Jungkook is being forced to talk to me. I wish he was doing it on his own free will, but I guess that's okay. I fear that I will end up trapped in here for years. Maybe I'll die in here, I don't know, but I can still hope for the best. 

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