Chapter 45

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**Third Person POV**

Yoongi and Jimin were both hanging out in a corner of the bar. They didn't even realize when Jungkook and Taehyung left. 

" Jimin, babe. " Yoongi said, wrapping an arm around his waist. Jimin turned to him, accidentally dropping the cup of alcohol he was holding. 

" Yes? " He said in his usual happy voice. 

" Go ahead and go home. I'm going to go hunt. " Yoongi said, kissing Jimin on the forehead. Jimin frowned before nodding. Jimin didn't really like how Yoongi killed innocent people to feed himself. They exited the bar, parting ways as Yoongi made his way into the city. He spotted an alley, leaning on the wall by it to wait for his prey. A girl who appeared to be in her late twenties walked by, holding her grocery bags. In the blink of an eye, Yoongi pulled her into the dark alley, not giving her time to speak before sinking his fangs into her pale neck. He cursed when she screamed, drinking quickly to end her life. He pulled away, letting her lifeless body fall to the floor. He wiped the blood from his mouth, his jaw dropping when he turned to leave. A boy he didn't recognize stood at the entrance to the alley, a shocked and fearful expression on his face. Yoongi began to walk towards him, the boy taking off. Before he could get far, Yoongi pinned him to the hard wall, staring coldly into his fearful eyes. 

" You think I can just let you walk away after seeing that? " Yoongi said. The male couldn't get any words out for he was too scared. Yoongi pulled one of his hands away, preparing himself for pain. He stabbed his fangs into his own flesh on the palm of his hand, forcing the injured part into the boy's mouth. The boy soon fell unconscious as Yoongi threw the limp body over his shoulder. He made his way back to his and Jimin's house, glaring at anyone who dared to question the unconscious male. He knocked on their door, having no hands to unlock it. Jimin opened the door, widening his eyes. 

" Yoongi! What did you do? " Jimin asked, taking the male from Yoongi. He laid him down on the nearby couch, putting his body in a comfortable position. 

" He saw me kill someone, so I turned him. " Yoongi said in his usual blunt tone. He sat on the couch next to the male he brought home, letting his body sink into the soft cushions. 

" You realize we're going to have to provide from him when he wakes up. Tell him what the fuck you did and let him stay here. " Jimin said. Yoongi hummed, already knowing what the outcome of his actions would be. 

**Taehyung's POV**

I walked down the stairs, dressed in another one of the outfits Jungkook had bought for me. I loved the words he would say to me whenever I wore them 

" I talked to Jin and he talked to his friend. " Was the first thing Jungkook said when he spotted me. 

" What did he say? " I asked. 

" He'll have a house ready for everyone by the end of this month. Then, we just got to schedule a flight and go. There will be guards there to protect us once we get there. " Jungkook explained. I smiled, engulfing him in a huge hug. 

" See. It's all going to work out. " I said, softly kissing him on the cheek. Jungkook returned the smile.

" Until then, we just have to stay inside and prevent them from pulling anything. Let's not worry too much. " Jungkook said. I smiled mischievously, playfully poking him in the stomach before running off. I couldn't even get to the next room because he had already caught up to me and was holding me against his body in a back hug. 

" Did you seriously think you could outrun me? " Jungkook playfully spoke as I lightly smacked his arm. 

" I thought it was worth a shot. " I said, leaning backward to be closer to him. Before I knew it, I had been tossed onto the couch with him on top of me. I laughed and squirmed as he tickled my sides. 

" Jungkook. Stop, stop. " I said in between laughs, gasping for air. He eventually stopped his torture, leaving me panting for air. I stared into his eyes, smiling widely. 

" I love you. " He said, brushing our noses together. I caught my breath before returning his words, sitting up off my back. However, I was only pushed back down. I soon felt lips attach to mine, a wave of warmth shooting through me. Our lips moved in sync as we've done this many times before. I allowed my hands to travel around his neck and tangle into his hair. The amount of emotion that was behind his kiss made my heart accelerate. A new feeling filled my system when his hand slithered up under my shirt. This made me realize how much I loved the feeling of him touching my bare skin. I allowed him to pull the shirt up over my head, completely removing it from my body. He placed soft and gently kisses down my neck to my chest, frowning at the scars I had there. 

" Where did you get these? " He asked, tracing the marks with his finger. I swallowed hard before answering his question. 

" My parents. " I said, breaking the eye contact I had with him. I stared at the wall, afraid of what his reaction would be. I gasped when I felt him placing the same gentle kisses on each of the marks I had. He made me feel so loved and I liked it. 

" These will all go away when I turn you. " He said, his lips moving against my skin. I smiled as he placed one last kiss on my lips before pulling away completely. We both sat up as I shyly pulled my shirt back over my body. I scooted closer to him, throwing my legs over his as I laid my head on his chest with my arms wrapped around his neck. 

" What do you think everyone else is doing right now? " I asked, letting his arm wrap around my waist. 

" Preparing to leave. Jimin also called and said that Yoongi turned someone and now we have someone else coming with. " Jungkook stated. I nodded, actually happy for once that a stranger is joining. 

" New friends. " I said, adjusting myself so that I was closer to him. Jungkook hummed at my comment. 

" I hope they are nice. Yoongi didn't even know this person. " He said. I nodded in agreement. It wouldn't be fun to have a mean person travel with us. I sighed, wondering what the new place we would be staying looked like. What is it like to travel on an airplane? It goes very high in the sky. I am scared but excited at the same time. I rubbed my cheek against Jungkook's chest. 

" You're cute, you know that? " Jungkook said, playing with my hair with the hand that wasn't around me. 

" No. I don't know. " I responded, tightening my arms even though it was impossible to get any closer. 

" Well, you are. You're absolutely adorable. " He said. I hid my face in his chest, feeling the heat rising. I heard him chuckle at my actions causing me to be more embarrassed. I hummed, letting my eyes flutter closed. 

" I'm tired. " I mumbled, letting my grip on him loosen. 

" Then sleep. " He said. 

" If I sleep then I can't see you. " I said, looking into his eyes while he laughed. 

" I'll still be here when you wake up. " He said, gently pushing me off of him to lay down. I whined, laying on my side on the couch pillow. Jungkook got up from the couch, soon returning with a blanket. He pulled the blanket over me as I snuggled into its warmth. He pressed a soft, loving kiss on my forehead before wishing me goodnight. I closed my eyes, feeling the couch at the end of my feet dip down. Using that as an indication of his presence, I let sleep overtake me, knowing that he was right there and not going anywhere. 

✔️Blood Lust Abduction- Vkook/Taekook✔️Where stories live. Discover now