Chapter 39

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**Third Person POV**


This chapter has some violence and torture involved. If that triggers or upsets you, please don't read. 

He awoke to cryptic voices being heard outside of the unknown location. His brain was fuzzy and he couldn't exactly think straight. 

" What's your plan with the new one? " He heard a voice ask. He tried his best to focus his hearing on the voices. 

" Break him. He seems like a strong one, but even strong people can break. " Another voice said. The chained up dark haired male questioned if they were talking about him. 
" If we break him now while he's human, he will be loyal once he becomes one of us. " The same voice said. The male was shaking in fear to the point where his chains rattled. He panicked and hid in a dark corner as if that would actually help him. Footsteps approached the male after hearing the chains rattle. One of the hooded men crouched in front of the terrified male, forcefully lifting his chin. The man pressed a button on the remote, the chains getting sucked into the wall. They pulled the dark-haired male with them until he was held firmly against the wall. 

" I want to have fun with you. " The hooded man said, a creepy smile on his face as he now stood in front of the chained human. The human didn't respond, refusing to look at the man. The male winced when the chains got even tighter against his wrists and ankles. 
" It's no fun when you're stubborn. I want to hear you scream, cry, and beg me to stop. " The hooded man spoke in a sadistic tone. The raven-haired male didn't respond. He had made up his mind. No matter what they did to him, he wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing him broken. 

Fear quickly flashed in his eyes when the man pulled out a very sharp knife, but he hid it almost immediately. The man approached him painfully slow, twirling the knife around in his hand. The man was inches away from his face as he felt the cool metal come in contact with his cheek.

" If you do that for me, maybe I'll go easier on you. " The man said, sliding the metal across his skin. The fresh wound stung as it came in contact with the musty air. A tear slipped out of the human's eyes and he winced again when the tear stung the bleeding cut even more. He coughed loudly when a hard punch came to his stomach. That surely would have broken his ribs. 

" I'm not getting the reaction I want. " The man said, delivering another hard punch. The male didn't scream or cry. The most that happened was coughs and silent tears, even though he was in excruciating pain. He felt another sharp sting on his thigh as a cut was made there. The chains holding him against the wall loosened and the male fell to the floor, a sharp pain from his broken ribs shooting all over his body. He used every bit of strength he had to push him up off his stomach. The hooded man left, leaving him alone with his pain, chained so he couldn't leave. 

**Taehyung's POV**

I wasn't ready for the outcome of my actions. Next thing I know, a huge wave flew into me, knocking me back a little. I wiped my eyes from the water that got in them, seeing Jungkook grinning. 

" I throw a handful of water at you and you give me a tsunami! " I said, splashing him with as much force as I could. It wasn't as big as his, but it will do. He dodged my attack as I began to chase him while spam splashing. We probably looked stupid in the shallow end of the pull, as I chased him around in a circle. Another big wave hit me, pausing me from my attacks. I squeaked as I saw him now coming towards me. I rushed to the edge of the pool, beginning to climb out of it. Before I could get out all the way, his arms hooked under my shoulders, pulling me back until I hit his chest. I trashed around in his hold as I felt myself moving backward through the water against my will. 

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