Chapter 46

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**Taehyung's POV**

I put my phone down after finishing my conversation with Jimin over texts. I have no idea where Jungkook went. We were watching a show on the television when he said he needed to go get something. That was thirty minutes ago and I haven't seen him since. We were scheduled to leave in a few days. I haven't been told what country we're going to. I sighed, leaning back on the couch. Jungkook knows how much I hate being alone. Just as I thought that I saw him come walking down the stairs. I smiled to myself, watching him as he sat on the couch next to me. 

" Where were you? " I asked. 

" I was getting something, but Jin called and it ended up taking longer. " He said.

" Oh, what did he want? " I asked, honestly just striking up a conversation. He paused for a moment before answering, which was odd. 

" He was discussing the plans for the next few days. " He said. 

" What are the plans? " I asked. 

" The same things I've already told you. " He replied. 

" So, Jin called to talk about the same stuff he's already told you. " Something seems off. 

" Yeah. " He simply stated. I decided not to press any further, even though I don't think that's what actually happened. I caught the sent of a pleasant, musky smell coming from him. I don't remember him using cologne. At least not one this strong. 

" Are you wearing cologne? " I asked him, deciding that there was no reason I couldn't. I saw a smirk form on his face. 

" Do you like it? " He asked, looking me directly in the eye. I nodded shyly, breaking the eye contact. I took this moment to examine his appearance. He was wearing tight, black jeans that showed off his form with a black long sleeve shirt that had the sleeves rolled up, showing his forearms. My eyes shot downward when I felt his hand slide onto my thigh. I returned my gaze to his face, noticing his sly look. He's touched me before, but his hand is placed higher than usual. My heart was racing in my chest for some reason. 

" Taehyung. " He spoke, shivers running down my spine from his voice. It was much deeper than usual. 

" Y-yeah? " I asked, not understanding why I was stuttering. He had a certain look in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. My breath hitched as his hand began to stroke the inside of my thigh gently. 

" Do you want to...go up to my room? " He asked. I was suddenly feeling very hot and I didn't know why. I felt like he was trying to tell me something that I wasn't getting. I nodded hesitantly, feeling his hand retract. I unknowingly pouted at the loss of his touch. I allowed him to pull me off the couch, leading me towards the stairs. I haven't ever actually seen his room. We arrived in front of one of the doors that was always locked. He easily opened the door, my jaw dropping. This was by far the nicest room in the house. It had soft white carpet, with a white desk on the right side of the room. On the left side, there was a TV with surround sound speakers, along with the bed. The bed had its own gray platform that it was embedded into. 

" Why do you have a bed if you don't sleep? " I asked, still amazed at the room. 

" Mmm, rooms look weird without it. " He stated. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me up flush against him so our fronts were touching. Our eyes locked as he sensually caressed my cheek. He captured my lips in a kiss that I instantly returned. I got lost in the moment, my focus completely on the person in front of me. I let my arms wrap around his neck as my hand tangled in his hair, delivering slight tugs. The kiss got more heated when his tongue found it's way into my mouth, colliding with my own. I allowed him to take control, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. His hands traveled to the back of my thighs, lifting me up as I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. He gently placed me on the end of the bed, parting this kiss. My eyes caught his as I panted, catching my breath. 

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