Chapter 19

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**Jin's POV**

" The pizza is on its way, okay? " I said, watching Taehyung nod in response. Jungkook is still missing and hasn't come in once. You'd think with how worried he was, that he would of come in to check now that Taehyung is awake. He is doing really well at the moment. I loud ding echoed throughout the house.

" The pizza must be here. Stay here while I go get it. " I said, opening the door to leave the room. I softly shut the door behind me, walking through Jungkook's overly large house. I arrived at the front door, opening it to see a young looking man standing there.

" Medium pepperoni pizza? " He said making sure he was at the right place. I'd be confused too if someone who lived on a hill in the forest ordered a pizza.

" Yeah, how much is it again? " I asked, pulling my wallet out from my pocket.

" Ten dollars and eighty two cents. Oh dude those are nice contacts! " He said.

" Thanks, I just got back from a costume party. " I said, pulling out the amount from my wallet, along with an extra five dollars for a tip.

" I respect you for wearing pink contacts. " He said, taking the money.

" I actually call them salmon, but thanks! " I said, taking the pizza and waving goodbye. Little does he know that they were my actual eye color. I walked back up the stairs with the pizza, opening the door to the room. Taehyung's eyes lit up at the sight of the pizza.

" Can you hold onto this while I get you a plate and see what there is to drink in Jungkook's kitchen? " I said, gesturing the pizza over to him.

" Thank you. " He stated, taking the pizza out of my hands. I walked back out of the room, this time heading for the kitchen. I took a ceramic plate out of the cabinet and set it on the counter. I opened the fridge, noticing most of the things in there were alcoholic. I rolled my eyes, grabbing a bottle of coke and smelling it to make sure there was nothing in it. I poured a glass of it, carrying it, along with the plate, up the stairs. I set the soda onto the side table, handing him the plate for the pizza.

**Taehyung's POV**

I opened the delicious smelling box of pizza, using my hands to put a slice on the plate I was given. I shut the box, moving it to my side and taking a bite of the pizza. This is some well needed food. I practically ate the slice in one bite. I reached for the drink that was set next to me, taking a sip. I hummed at the taste, my stomach finally becoming satisfied.

" So, Taehyung. " I heard Jin say from beside me.

" Yeah? " I responded as I pulled another piece of pizza out of the box.

" Would you be fine talking to Jungkook after you finish eating? " He asked me. I'm afraid that he's going to hit me or attack me again.

" I guess. " I said, eating my new slice of pizza. I took a large sip of the drink, the carbonation burning my throat slightly.

" I'll be with you if that makes you feel any better. If you're worried about him hurting you, I can assure you that will not happen. " He said. I nodded, still unsure. I finished a second slice of pizza, starting to feel full. I don't want to waste the rest of the pizza, though.

" If you're done, I can put that in the fridge so you can eat it later. " Jin said. I nodded, relieved that the pizza won't be wasted. I was still nervous about what would happen with Jungkook. I am curious to know why he attacked me out of nowhere after being so nice. Was he trying to trick me? I sighed, looking down at my arm. Jin had put a wrap similar to the one Jungkook had on it. Even though I'm scared to be near Jungkook again, I really don't want to go back with my parents. I decided to agree to talking to him because I don't have many options. I either stay with him, go back to my parents, or die of something on the street by myself. Jin returned to the room, the pizza box now gone.

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