Chapter 18

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**Jin's POV**

I watched as the final bit of blood drained from the tube into Taehyung's arm. It took right about four hours to finish. Taehyung was still unconscious, but his heart was beating steadily. I took the needle out of his arm, disconnecting all of the stuff from him. I stole things from the hospital to check his vitals as well. You'd be surprised how unobservant hospital staff are at three in the morning. I ran a thermometer over his forehead, his temperature being normal. I checked his blood pressure, that coming out fairly normal as well. His breathing appears to be smooth. Everything looks good. He should wake up soon and be perfectly fine.

" Is he okay? " Jesus Christ, he scared the shit out of me.

" He's fine. Everything seems normal. I'm going to give his arm a bit because that's a large size to have shoved under your skin. It would of hurt like hell if he was awake and most likely will bruise. After, I went to set him up with the smaller catheter and hydrate him just to be sure. " I said. Jungkook nodded.

" So, when's he gonna wake up? " He asked. I thought I answered this question already.

" Sometime soon. I can't give you an exact time. The transfusion is over. " I explained. He nodded once again and left the room. I sighed sitting back down. I wonder where Taehyung's room is. I want to get him a shirt to change into once he wakes up because the one he has now has a sleeve torn off. I left the room, softly closing the door behind me. The good thing is, that he has a strong scent. Shouldn't be too hard to find it. I searched different areas of the upstairs part of Jungkook's house, eventually coming across a room that smelled strongly of Taehyung. I entered the room casually looking around. It was fairly clean, beside for the unmade bed and the overflowing hamper in the corner. I'll tell Jungkook to do his laundry later. I walked into the closet, pulling a basic gray tee shirt off a hanger. I left the room, returning to the room that Taehyung was in. I stood at the end of the bed, folding the tee shirt and laying it down. After about and hour and fifteen minutes passed, I set up the smaller IV, using new tubes and new gloves. I'm surprised that he was still unconscious. Jungkook hasn't returned a single time after he left. I watched the water run through the tubes, taking a seat back at the side of the bed. He was still breathing smoothly and his heart was keeping up a steady beat. The only thing that hasn't happened yet, is him waking up.

I stood up out of my chair when I saw his arm flinch. I think I spoke too soon. His eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times before landing directly on me. I gave him a soft smile, hoping that he would feel relaxed. He went to bend his arms to rub his eyes.

" Oh, no no! Don't do that. " I said preventing the arm with the IV in it from moving.

" Hmm? " His eyes went to the arm I was holding. I let go of it, noticing he looked kind of scared.

" You see the thing on your arm? Keep it straight, alright? " I said, trying to sound warm.

" What is it? " He softly spoke.

" I'm not going to lie. It's a needle.  It doesn't hurt too much, right? " I began. In all actuality I gave him pain killers when I set up the water. He still looked scared.

" A little. " He responded.

" So, there's this bag up here. You can see the liquid running down from it into the tube. It goes from the tube into your arm. It's just water, I promise, all it's going to do is make your arm feel a little cold. " I tried to explain. He nodded, blinking a couple times.

" Anyways, how do you feel? You remember who I am right? " I asked.

" You're the one who talks a lot. Jim or something like that. Hmm.. I feel fine.  " He said. I chuckled softly.

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