Chapter 33

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**Taehyung's POV**

  The next thing I know, Jungkook was no longer sitting in front of me on the couch. He ran at an immense speed up the stairs, disappearing from my sight. 

I stared at the place Jungkook previously was, trying to comprehend what just happened. I know what a kiss is. I've read about them in books. In the books that I've read, kissing is something you do when you like someone romantically. Why did he run away? Is it because I did something wrong? I decided that I would go look for him as I nervously stood up. I walked towards the stairs, hesitantly walking up the steps. 

" Jungkook. " I called out, hoping that he would either respond or come to me. There are a lot of rooms up here and I don't want to check all of them. That would take forever. I finally arrived at the top of the stairs, contemplating on where I should start. I really want to know why he ran off. I sat on the floor against a wall, practically giving up before I even started looking for him. He knows his house better than I do. I'm not going to find him unless he wants to be found. If I talk he can probably hear me. 

" I'm going to go to my room. We can talk when you want to. " I said with a loud sigh. I stood up off the floor, heading towards the same room I had been given. However, I was stopped right as I neared the door. I closed my eyes when I felt someone grab me. I felt strong arms around me, holding me against them. I opened my eyes to see that I was pressed against Jungkook's clothed chest. 

" I'm sorry. I really didn't mean for that to happen. I don't know why I did that. I can understand if you feel uncomfortable around me now. " He quickly said against my ear. 

" Why did you run away? " I asked, not acknowledging his string of apologies. 

" I did something I shouldn't have done and got scared that you were going to react badly. Then you wouldn't want to be around me anymore. " He said as his grip on me tightened. 

" I'm not upset or uncomfortable. I'm just confused. " I said, trying to push myself away from his chest so I could see his face. He apparently wanted me to say there because he wouldn't let me move at all. I stopped trying and allowed him to keep me there. An awkward silence fell between us. I took a deep breath, preparing to break it. 

" I'm confused because I don't know much about this, but I kind of liked it? " I said, deciding that it would be better to be honest. He didn't respond, letting more silence fill the space. 
" Tell me what you're thinking. " I said, not liking how I was the only one talking. 

" I'm thinking a lot of things. " He said.

" Well, tell me what those things are. " I pressed. 

" You make me feel emotions I haven't felt. Even when I've had crushes before... I don't know what it is. You're just different and it frustrates me because I didn't want you to know this. You would find it so fucking weird that an adult feels these things for a teenager. " He started rambling. 

" Calm down. I didn't realize age was even an issue. " I said. I don't understand why he's working himself up. I already said that I'm not upset. 

" It's not. Society just likes to put shit in your head to make you feel like you're doing something wrong. It's not like you're a child or something. Yet if I were to have the slightest of feelings for you, the general public would go off on how 'I'm corrupting today's youth' or some bullshit. " He spoke. I'm so lost on everything he just said. 

" I don't think you're doing anything wrong. " I said. I think that confirmed that he does like me romantically, though. 

" I'm sorry if I sound stupid. I don't like people and I thought that you may have the same thoughts as the general public. " He said. I'm still lost. All I got from that is that most people apparently don't like adults having romantic feelings for teenagers. 

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