The Strange Feelings

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Nobody's POV

It started after the sports festival. After seeing Izuku's newfound power, Katsuki was furious but there was something else that he couldn't understand because he's never felt like this.

He's been staring at Izuku a lot lately but he doesn't know why, and every time he tries to yell at Izuku, he just stops mid-sentence and just walks away. This has been happening for a week and neither Katsuki or Izuku knew why. Now when Katsuki looks at Izuku he feels a tightness in his chest, it was annoying to say the least. Every time Katsuki would think about Izuku during class that same tightness kept returning and he didn't know why.

Katsuki's POV

'What the fuck is happening to me? I keep seeing that fucking nerds face inside of my head!' Katsuki wasn't liking these feelings, mostly because he didn't know what they were. He was so caught up in thought that he didn't realize he was gripping his hair super tight. He sighed and leaned back in his chair trying to think when the bell for lunch rang. Katsuki didn't feel hungry so he just continued to think at his desk.

What caught his attention was the giggling coming from behind him. He turned around to see Izuku, Uraraka, and Lida talking and laughing about something. But what really got his attention was the blush on Izuku's face. He was just staring at his smile but stoped when Izuku turned to him looking right into his red eyes. Katsuki was the first to look away but with a strange warm feeling on his face. He couldn't describe it and the fluttering feeling he was getting in his stomach wasn't helping him either.

Izuku notices the blush on his face and was wondering why he was blushing but thought that it was cute. Izuku has a huge crush on Katsuki. He knew he was gay since middle school. He didn't bother hiding it at home since his mom supported him completely. He's told Uraraka and Lida also and they knew it was coming and was happy for him. The only thing he didn't tell them was who he was crushing on.

Suddenly, Katsuki got up and walked out of the classroom with a strange atmosphere, not like his usual angry and deadly atmosphere, it was strange to say the least but Izuku decided to dismiss it for now.

Katsuki was in the washroom looking at himself in the mirror while splashing cold water on his face trying to get rid of the warmth all over. Once he finished, he decided to go somewhere secluded to think about these strange emotions going through him.

The bell rang and everyone came back from lunch, still chatting with each other. Katsuki just simply entered the class and took his seat while looking out the window at noting in particular. Everyone hushed and went to their seats once Aizawa entered the class with the same old tired and bored face. Aizawa just gave the students book work while he crawled into is sleeping bag and falling asleep.

Katsuki just did the work silently without saying a word. Mostly because he was still trying to figure out the strange river of emotions that keeps flowing everytime he looks or imagine Izuku. While his mind was on Izuku, he didn't realize that Kirishima was calling out to him.

Once he was out of his trance he glared at the red head saying "What the fuck do you want?" In a pissed off tone. Kirishima just laughed to know that Katsuki was back and preceded to talk to him. "Hey Bakubro, you good there? You looked lost and you're unusually quiet?"
Katsuki just let out a low growl and started yelling "What the fuck does it matter, it doesn't concern you hair for brains". Kirishima just chucked and knelt down next to Katsuki and started talking about school and stuff.

Izuku's POV

' Kacchan has been acting weird lately, I wonder what it is and why he was blushing earlier?' Izuku started imagining Himself and Katsuki when they were young and at all the great times they had together. He's actually remembered Katsuki blushing before when He gave Katsuki a flower and put it behind his ear. It was a faint memory but still a happy and good one. Oh how he wished they could return to those times. But he knew that he had to do something about his secretly hidden feelings for Katsuki and soon before someone else takes him away or maybe something even worse.

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