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Izuku's POV

Next period started and everyone had hero combat training. Izuku grabbed his clothes and was about to start walking to the change rooms when someone tapped his shoulder. Todoroki was standing there with a small smile on his face. "Hey there Midoriya, I was wondering if you would like to walk together to the change room?" "Sure" said Izuku as he closed his locker and walked with Todoroki.

This little encounter didn't go unnoticed by Katsuki who was watching them the whole time. He started getting angry when Todoroki stared talking to Izuku. It was strange because Katsuki never knew why he was angry after seeing their little encounter but he wanted to stop it immediately. But before he got the change Kirishima came up to him and started pushing Katsuki towards the change room while Katsuki was growling at him the entire time.

In the change room Katsuki was the last one to arrive and started to change immediately, wanting to get out and take his anger out during the training. Katsuki stopped changing when he felt a pair of eyes on him. He turned around to se a red faced Izuku checking him out. Once Izuku notices he was caught his face turned a bright shade of red and turned his body a full 90 degrees trying to avoid Katsukis stair.

Katsuki knew Izuku was checking him out, he was shirtless and he smirked looking at Izuku. Soon he found himself checking the smaller out also. He didn't realize that Izuku had grew some muscles and it was easily identifiable by his biceps and the muscles on his back. Before he knew it Izuku was out quickly. Katsuki simply finished changing and exited the change room to find Izuku and Todoroki talking. Somehow the same thing happened at he found himself getting angry but had no idea why.

Todoroki' s POV

Izuku, every time I see his face my heart quenches, every time he smiles I get butterflies in my stomach, and every time he laughs it sounds like it came from an angel. I can't help these feelings I have towards him but as far is I know, he's the only one able to make me feel this way. I never knew love could change someone but I've been proved wrong as he has had a major effect on me. I should probably confess soon before anyone else. But the problem is that I can't help but stare at his beautiful plump and soft lips moving as he talks. I really should confess before I do something I regret.

Katsuki's POV

They were doing hand to hand combat which he loved. Everyone got paired up and what made his day was that he was paired up with Todoroki. He was so pumped to pummel Todoroki that his hands were smoking and a wicked grin on his face. The fight started with Katsuki throwing punches and kicks everywhere at Todoroki and he got some decent hits in and Todoroki tried doing the same but didn't have much success. Katsuki was enjoying destroying Todoroki when suddenly he caught one of his fists and burned his wrist using his fire quirk. It hurt like hell but Katsuki want backing down, the pain was something he could handle easily because of his endurance training but Todoroki did the same to the other hand. Big still Katsuki wasn't gonna give up so using his quirk he lunged at Todoroki with amazing speed and punching him so hard he flew back and landed on his back.

The fight was over and Katsuki won. He completely forgot about his burnt wrists and unnoticed burn marks on his body until he started feeling dizzy and than he suddenly collapsed but didn't hit the ground. The last thing he saw was a mop of green curly hair looking down at him yelling something before his vision went all to black.

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