Depression and Apology

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Katsuki's POV

'I should have known it was too good to be true, he could never like me let alone love me after the cruel things I did to him. I guess payback really is a bitch.' Katsuki thought while running as fast as he can throughout the city. Tears were just endless flows of water that continued to fall from his face. 'I will never open up myself to someone else ever again, never again will I feel this weakness'.

After about 15 minutes of running he found himself at the front door of his house, with tears still falling from his face. He just wiped his eyes clean of tears before opening the door to his house and bolting up to his room slamming the door shut before his mother could even let out a sound.

After few minutes of sobbing and crying he heard his mother call him down for dinner. He didn't want to eat but if he stayed in his room his mother would drag him down and force feed him. Although it may sound cruel that she would do that he knows his mother always has his well-being in mind and does everything to make sure he's healthy and alive.

Katsuki got up and lazily walked to the bathroom to wash his face and hands. As much as he tried he couldn't help the fact that his eyes were red and impossible to hide. He eventually made his way downstairs and into the dining room quieter than usual. He started eating, acknowledging his mother's gaze on him as he keeps his head down to avoid eye contact.

As soon as he finished his dinner, he was about to head up into his room when he heard the doorbell and many MANY consecutive knocks. He walked to the door and as soon as he opened it, a body jumped at him and enveloped him in a bear hug. He was about to blast the person away until he saw that mop of green hair buried in his chest shaking uncontrollably, along with some sobs and sniffles. He was frozen in shock. He didn't know what to do until a voice, barely above a whisper, said to him "I'm sorry" he didn't move. He didn't know how to handle this situation but knew one thing for sure. He isn't letting what happened to him happen again. He shoved the boy as hard as he can off of him and started yelling "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE, HUH?!" Izuku sat there in shock, he quickest came out of it though, trying to apologize and hopefully clear this mess up. With a deep breath he started "Kacchan I'm so sorr-" he was cut off by Katsuki's yelling. "DON'T APPOLOGISE! YOU WANNA GO AHEAD AND CHEAT ON ME, FINE! GO AHEAD! I KNEW THIS WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!" He roared into Izuku's face. Izuku was silent. He's never been so sad is his life. His boyfriend was yelling at him and wouldn't listen to him. "Kacchan, it wasn't my fault. Todoroki-" "TODOROKI WHAT, HUH! TODOROKI AND I WERE JUST MAKING OUT IN THE WASHROOM SO I WOUNDT NOTICE! HUH!!! YOU KNOW WHAT, I KNKW WHAT THIS IS! YOUR TRYING TO GET BACK AT ME FOR FUCKING UP YOUR CHILDHOOD HUH! WELL GUESS WHAT! IT FUCKING WORKED ALRIGHT, SO GET PUT AND LEave me alone...." He finished getting quieter at the end, trying to hold back his sobs. Izuku quickly tackled him to the floor pinning his hands next to his head. "I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON YOU! IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE JUST LISTEN!" He took a deep breath and told him what happened. "I was just finishing up in the washroom and Todoroki tapped my shoulder. I was just explaining to him why I was here when he suddenly kissed me. I tried to move away but he held me in place so I couldn't move. After you ran away I slapped him and told him about us just before I ran after you. Kacchan, I would never cheat on you. Your basically my first friend who happens to be my child hood friend who also happens to be my boyfriend, to which I treasure dearly." Izuku was trying his best to hold back his tears but didn't work and ended up dropping onto Katsuki's face. Katsuki was completely frozen again. He didn't know what to do at all. He's never been in a situation like this. He asks cautiously "How can I believe what you say?" Izuku was just staring at him before or lowered his head to Katsuki's and kissed his lips soft and tenderly. After a couple of seconds he pulled away and said his feelings out loud. "Kacchan, my heart belongs to you, it always has. Ever since we were children, I've always admired you. Those feelings of admiration turned into love and before I knew it I was already head over heels for you. I will never find someone I would rather be with other than you." He spoke softly smiling ever so sweetly. The next few seconds went by with Katsuki staring up at Izuku with wide eyes. Before anything else could happen, Katsuki flipped them around and kissed Izuku with so much passion, it sent millions of butterflies in both of their stomachs. The kiss was sensual and loving, containing all their emotions and feelings towards each other. When they finally broke away Katsuki asked Izuku a question that sent him blushing brighter than a strawberry. "You wanna sleep over tonight?" Katsuki asked while staring into Izuku's emerald eyes. Izuku nodded his head meekly which made Katsuki smile. "I need to tell my mom first" Izuku replied, with a light blush still on his face. "Sure, I'll wait for you in my room." Katsuki said getting off of Izuku and waking to his bedroom. Izuku sighed and called his mother quickly, telling her about the sleepover, to which she agreed with, and walked to Katsuki's room with a smile on his face knowing that he got to keep his precious boyfriend.

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