Date and surprise confession

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Nobody's POV

Both Izuku and Katsuki decided to catch a movie after school and they were both excited but Katsuki is trying to act calm and cool.

On their way to the cinema, they engaged in small conversations and unconsciously linked hands together, both still smiling and chatting away. When they arrived at the cinema, Katsuki, being the gentleman he is let Izuku pick, mostly because he didn't mind watching any particular movie they were showing. Izuku made the decision and chose an action movie which was the only movie genre that interested him. Too bad they didn't have any horror movies.

Izuku has to use the restroom so he kindly excused himself "I have to go to the washroom, so you think you could get the snacks, I'll save us a spot!" Izuku said with a little smile. "Sure thing, don't get lost. What do you want anyway for snacks?" Katsuki said, trying to sound nice but ended up sounding a little stern. But the smile he had told Izuku he was trying to be kind. "Just popcorn and a lemonade" He said politely and walked to the washroom.

Todoroki's POV

I don't know why but I found myself going to the movies. 'There aren't many interesting movies out right now so I guess anything works.' Todoroki mumbled as he couldn't decide on a movie. He decided to pick a comedy.

Nobody's POV

After Todoroki paid for the ticket, he quicks went into the washroom. As he was coming in, be notices a familiar familiar ball of green and black hair washing his hands. Todoroki tapped him on the shoulder only to receive a happy expression with green emerald eyes lookingg at him full of happiness. "What are you doing here Midoriya?" Todoroki asked with a smile forming on his face. Izuku just smiled and said "Just on a d..." Izuku was cut off by Todoroki kissing his lips. Todoroki put his hands on Izuku's shoulder to hold him still, while Midoriya was trying to break free. 'I don't want this, I like Kacchan, not Todoroki but I can't break free!' Izuku kept trying to break away but they both broke away by the sound of something dropping. They both turned to the Male figure with spikey ash-blonde hair standing there with a blank face and no light in his eyes. Todoroki just scoffed and said " do you mind, your kind of interrupting." Katsuki just held his blank face and said "Sorry, I didn't notice. I'll leave you two be" and ran out of the theatre. Izuku who couldn't bare to see his new boyfriend sad tried to run after him but Todoroki stopped him by grabbing his wrist. Izuku just turns around and slaps Todoroki on the side of his face, fear and anger spread across his features. "What's your problem! You don't just kiss some one randomly, ESPECIALLY since their in a relationship and yell at their boyfriend to go away!" Izuku yelled with anger clearly evident in his voice. Todoroki just looked at him with a surprised and jealous face. "But Midoriya, I can treat you way better than he can. And I don't beat you up and swear at everything, and I can give you anything you want! So why choose him when you can have me!" Todoroki yelled back at Izuku. Izuku just glared at Todoroki and said "Kacchan treats me great, he just expresses himself differently and I know he likes me. Plus, you don't decide whose better and worse for me. That's for me to decide." Izuku says furiously as he walks away, but before he leaves the washroom he turns back to Todoroki and says "Katsuki is a kind and caring person, you might not be able to see it because your not friends but everyone who knows him, knows he's a good person who expresses himself differently and nothing can change my feelings for him." And with that, Izuku ran out of the cinema trying to find his (hopefully still) boyfriend.

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