Chapter 8 (updated)

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Calypso's POV

We have a while till Victoria's party. The red velvet of the coach I'm laying on is soft to the touch. My head is currently laying in Leo's lap. He is absentmindedly twirling a stand of my hair around his long fingers as we watch tv. I've been soaking up the modern world since I entered it. I can thank Leo for that. Thalia is sitting on one of the other couches and Leo smirks.

"Hey beautiful," he says to me as my eyes flutter open. Help lowered his head and places a kiss gingerly on my lips.

"Ew, you guys get a room!" Thalia squeals and throws a decorative at Leo's curly head.

"I'm sorry that you're an eternal maiden and can't enjoy this," I laugh. I grab Leo's face and pull him in for another kiss. I sit and pull Leo on top of me. I crave his touch after eons on my island alone. I part my lips as his tongue slips into my mouth. He tastes like cinnamon. My arms clasp around his back as he trails kisses down my neck. Thalia's shrieking floats in the back ground as I laugh. I sit up and push Leo off of me.

"Sorry," I smirk as I place a kiss on his forehead, "I've got to get dressed." I stand up and walk up the spiraling stone staircase towards my bedroom. As I walk into my room, I only notice one door. Opening the door I realize it's a bathroom. Puzzled, I look around my room. In one corner, I spot a wardrobe. Opening it, I see a larger room behind it. Inside, I see the rest of the girls.

"I see you've found the girl cave," Piper laughs.

Percy's POV

Tonight is Victoria's party. UHHHH. I am going to have a little fun with this. She did tell me I could invite friends. I walk out the back door and towards the gateway to Camp Half-Blood. I step through and am met with the familiar sights and sounds of camp. I can't wait for summer. Walking down the familiar paths, I pull aside people who I want to invite to Victoria's little party. This includes Connor and Travis Stoll and Clarisse.

"So, there is this girl, fucking annoying, think Drew but ten times worse. She won't stop flirting with me and she has invited me to a pool party tonight. She said I could invite some friends. Nico came up with the idea to embarrass her," I state as a raise an eyebrow, "Who's in?"

"We are," Connor says calmly.

"We have a couple pranks that need to be tested," Travis smirked. Both brothers hurt out laughing.

"As long as I can beat that little brats ass!" Clarisse booms as she slams her fist into the table.

"Come on then," I stand up, "also forgot to mention, we have a new house."

Clarisse reluctantly went up with the other girls, but she really wanted to stay with us. Understandable, I'm sure Aphrodite is up there doing something to the poor girls. Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Will are in the indoor pool because they decided a big party just wasn't their thing. I would 100% rather be with them.

Piper's POV

We were just casually lounging in our "girl gave" ready to leave for the party. None of us were really dressed to impress, jean shorts and tank tops to cover our swimsuits paired with high top converse. Suddenly, in a flash of pink and glitter, my mom appears. Shit.

"Girls, you can't expect me to let you go to a party looking like that. Would you?" Aphrodite says coyly. She snaps her fingers and poof, we're all dressed up. Fuck.

I am now dressed in a light pink corset like top and a light pink leather skirt. Sparking heels are a must for my mother and off course makeup. My hair is up in a high pony tail and basically half of my hair is in my face because of my choppy hair.

Annabeth is in a sparkling silver dress. From the waist, two thick strap like things reach up and cover her boobs before connected behind her neck. My mom has plans and showing off everyone's bodies must be it. She is also in sparkling heels and her hair is pencil straight which added a few inches to her already long hair. She is free of jewelry. Her looks can kill.

Clarisse is wearing a red silk cross crop top that has spaghetti straps paired with a black skirt with a slit going up the thigh. My mom wasn't too mean to her as she was allowed to wear black doc martens. I guess she did have an affair with her dad so maybe she has a soft spot. She has black spiny leather bands on her neck and wrists and her hair has been straightened to fall just below her shoulders. She looks like a bad ass.

Reyna is fitted with lose flowy v neck crop top. Little squares of gold were tightly packed to appear as a solid cloth material. Her black shorts have buckled straps just below the hem and a silver cross dangled off the zipper. She is in black platform heels and her long brown hair fall in tight curls. Why choose between kicking ass and looking hot when you can do both?

Calypso is dressed in a white ruffled dress that hangs off her shoulders. The ruffles come from the crossed nature of the fabric and creates a v in the front of the dress. She has heels that sparkle and wrap around her calf. Her hair is in soft curls and has dainty makeup. She still looks like a dainty island princess.

Thalia storms out of the room when she finds out my mom picked out a dress and heels for her. So I guess we're down a girl.

After the fiasco with my mom, we descend the stairs towards the bright eyes of are lusting boyfriends, but when you look as good as us, I can't blame them.

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