Chapter 22- You're starting to fatten me up

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Chapter 22-

*Alexis POV*

What. The. Fudge.

I stare at Kyle with my mouth open, not being able to utter a word. To be honest, he looked just as terrified. 

"Oh, Lexie, I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking! Just throwing it out the-" I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth, successfully muffling his words.

"I just need a moment to think." I tell him. He nods and I remove my hand from his mouth.

The thoughts race through my head and I feel lightheaded. I did not expect that. Okay, Alexis, focus. Focus, focus, focus. 

Do I think Kyle is good looking? Yes.

Do I think he's nice? Yes, although he's a bit cocky sometimes.

Do I think he's funny? Yes.

Would I like to kiss him? Hell yeah.

Suddenly, everything is clear. Why I feel a strange flutter in my tummy when I look at him and why the kiss with Will didn't feel right. I have feelings for Kyle! 

"Kyle?" I hesitantly call for his attention.

"Yeah?" He snaps his head toward me almost instantly. 

"I-I'm willing to give this a try." His whole face lights up cutely and I just want to squish him into a bone-crushing hug. Huh, that was weird. 

"But I don't want to just jump into something. If we're really doing this then we'll have to go slow, just like any couple. Maybe a bit different since we work together and live together, but you know what I mean." I try to give him a stern look but his wide smile is contagious and I can't keep it up for more than a few seconds. 

Suddenly, he lounges at me and wraps me up in a tight hug. At first I'm too shocked by his sudden move to really do anything. After a moment or two I finally come to life again and wrap my arms around his muscular chest. He is warm and smells like a mix of cologne and sweat, a strange combination but it still smells heavenly. I smile into his chest, maybe this will all work out after all.

*two days later*

 "Lexie?" Kyle shouts from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I scream back, at the same time i struggle pulling on my pants. Damn, why do they have to be so hard to get into?

"Blake invited us to a dinner at their place tonight. We are invited along with some of the guys at our department. I said yes, of course." His voice comes closer and closer, and before I have time to warn him, he walks into the bedroom, where he sees me in a pair of pants and a bra. Oops.

"Oops, sorry." He smirks, but he doesn't look very sorry.

"Get out!" I shout at him while pushing him out of the bedroom.

"But I was enjoying the view! It's the best start to a day you can have!" He whines playfully. Ass.

"Piss off!" I scream while pulling a satin shirt over my head. I proceed to grab my nude, sky high heels and my dark Mulberry Alexa bag. I have to admit, this wardrobe is dreamy. 

When I walk into the kitchen Kyle stands in front of the stove, making pancakes in a suit.

"I made breakfast." He says as he puts a plate of pancakes with maple syrup on in front of me.

"You gotta stop making unhealthy food, you're starting to fatten me up." I complain around a mouthful of dreamy pancakes.

"Well, from what I saw earlier that's not the case. You're still smoking, baby!" He exclaims with a laugh. He stops laughing when I throw a spatula at his head. 

"You're a shit." I glare at him as I get up from the stool and put my plate in the dishwasher. 

"But I'm your shit." He says as he kisses my cheek, making me blush.

"Stop that, I can't be mad at you if you go around being cute." I mutter grumpily. 

"So, about the dinner party, it's a fancy kind of thing, maybe you can ask Emma what to wear. It starts at eight, but I'll check if we can come a bit early to get some alone time with them." He says and I nod. 

"I gotta go now, but I'll meet you here after work. Bye kitten." He kisses me on the forehead and then grabs his keys, wallet and phone before heading out the door.

"Bye!" I shout after him.

*Kyle's POV*

As I close the door behind me I hear a muffled 'bye' through the door and I smile to myself while entering the elevator. 

Down in the lobby I bump into Will. Great. He gives me a sour look.

"Morning Mr Brown." He says cooly and then looks away. Jeeze, sure she picked me over him but that's no reason to hate me, surely he should be pissed at her, not me.

"What is your problem Will?" I sigh. 

"Nothing, Sir. I just don't get how you can cheat on a lovely lady like Alexis. She deserves better in my opinion." He huffs.

"Okay, yes, I did cheat on her and it was a dick move, but then she went and kissed you. But we've solved our problems now, and we're good. Really good." I state firmly.

"You probably bribed her, I mean it can't be good for your reputation if your girlfriend leaves you, am I right?" He gives me a sarcastic smile before rolling his eyes.

"You know what, you're just jealous because she picked me over you. In fact, I shouldn't give a shit about you because she surely doesn't. So stay out of our business and leave us alone." By now we're really close to each other, both of us staring the other down. 

"Kyle? What are you doing?" I turn toward the voice, and I'm met with those beautiful eyes. 

"Hi Lexie. We were just... Chatting." I lean away from him quickly as she gives me a doubtful look. Will is still sporting a sour look, but he's facing the floor rather than her. 

"Is everything alright here? Mr Parker? Mr Brown?" Mr Wilson comes up behind us and gives me a kind smile while he gives Will a questioning look.

"No Sir, no problems here." I give him my best smile.

"Good. Mr Parker, I think you should get back to work." He gives him a stern look and Will mutters a 'Yes Sir' before heading over to the front desk.

"Shall we?" I extend my arm to Alexis who hesitantly takes it. I steer the both of us out the door toward my black car that's waiting for me. I can tell that she'll want to question me, so we better get this over with in private.

"Come on, I'll drop you off. " She nod's as I open the door for her.

Well, this will be interesting.


So, I'm really sorry I haven't updated in forever, but I've been busy. I graduated from my school in the beggining of June, then I went to New York where I met the Kardashians(they lived at our hotel), then I went to a camp in Massachussets for two weeks where I met Amanda Seyfried who is going to show up in Going Undercover soon enough... ;) I've also been at my summerhouse without wifi for four weeks... Sorry guys! But I'm back with alot of inspiration! Next week I'm starting my new school so the first couple of days I might not have alot of time to write, but hopefully I can write before and after that!

Love you all, thank you for still reading!

Lots of love,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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