Again Sophie?

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(Third Person POV) 

Sophie paced the room that the ogres had locked her in. She still had her sword, which was a start. She already had scoured the area for a possible way out, but there was only the door she was lead through, and the big gate doors that lead to her probable death. So, her worry was directed to her arena fight. Truth be told, she didn't want to kill. Even if the ogre Omgle, wouldn't have any trouble killing her. 

Not far away, Fitz had picked up her agitated thoughts. They hid in the bushes to watch, just as the gates opened, ad Sophie was pushed out. She studied all of the Ogres sitting in the stadium. "Sop-mppi" Keefe tried to say, but Biana covered his mouth. "Guys, I need you all to vanish somehow." Biana hissed. "I have an obscurer." Fitz offered. "I can tweak it so then the ogres won't be able to hear or see us at all." Dex suggested. "Fine, but make it quick." Keefe was bouncing up and down now. Dex got to work right a way.

The gates slowly swung open. Sophie looked at he gates on the other side of the arena, dreading whatever came out, and what stepped out made her face fall. The largest ogre she had ever seen. He might have been bigger than King Dimitar. Sophie swallowed the bile rising in her mouth. Then, an ogre's voice boomed throughout the area. "Moonlark! Today you are here to be judged if you are worthy to live for your crimes. You have destroyed our home, and have been given no punishment. You must fight our best warrior Omgle! May the best warrior win!" The crowd started stomping and cheering. Great. 

Omgle charged at me, his over sized sword hefted. I easily sidestepped him, and cut a deep gash in his leg. He bellowed in pain. Then, he slammed his fist into the ground, causing the floor to shake. Sophie, not being clumsy for the first time in her life, barely manage to keep standing. However, in her distracted moment, Omgle swung his sword again, faster. Sophie scrambled to get out of the way, but he was able to make a cut on her face. She crumpled to the floor, spots dancing in her eyes. She knew she was loosing a lot of blood. 

Omlge pressed one of his hidden knives to her throat. "Giving up so soon Moonlark?" he taunted. I tried to break free, but that only made the knife dig into her skin. "Your weaker than I thought you'd be. It's a disappointment really. Don't worry. After I'm done with you, I will make sure your friends suffer just as painfully as you did." he sneered. That was it. Sophie was pushed over the edge. Her friends were off limits. She screamed. Not because of pain. 

"Done!" "it's about time Dexy!" "Keefe stop." "No more fooling around!" "Ok Giginator!" "GUYS! SOPHIE IS HURT!" Fitz shouted. Everyone hurried over to the fight. 

(Keefe's POV)

We had to leave Sandor behind, because he couldn't fit. When everyone got to the fight, Sophie was pinned down by a massive ogre. She was cut in the face, blood streaming down. The ogre said something to her, and she just started screaming. It was the worst thing I had ever heard, but it wasn't pain, it was rage. I knew that much by her emotions. But as soon as her scream reached my ears, I covered them, fearing my eardrums would break. I also felt sad, depressed, pain, anger, and worry. He was sure it wasn't because of my empathy though. It was coming from Foster. I blinked. Foster was glowing. Not even dimly. She was like a REALLY bright. 

I looked behind everyone, and it was clear that they were experiencing the same thing, even the ogres. The ogre that had Sophie pinned down stumbled back, clutching his ears. 

It was a little funny, watching the ogres, until the inflicting and sound became unbearable. Linh, Biana, and Dex fell to the floor. Fitz and Tam kneeled down instantly, seeing if they were okay. I had to stop Sophie. I slowly, and painfully walked up to her. I placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked over at me, and I gave her a pleading look. She closed her eyes, and I caught her as she became unconscious. Everything was eerily quiet. 

Fitz and Tam looked up at me. All the ogres, including Biana, Linh and Dex, were all unconscious. "Well, umm...that was...I don't know." Tam and Fitz rolled their eyes. Sandor came running down, and tried to take Foster from me. I reluctantly handed her over. We stepped into the light, and leaped back home. 

writing this, I realize how much I make Sophie faint. XD

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