Water Park

434 14 11

Sophie's POV

At around 5:00, Keefe came to pick me up. Since we were going to the Forbidden Cities, I dressed casual. 

Grady was out, thank goodness! So Edaline was the only one home. She gave us a few custard bursts that she had just made before we headed out. 

I swear I caught here winking at me before we left. 

Keefe held out a blue pathfinder (which he undoubtedly stole from his father), and I soon felt the warmth envelope me. 


"Oooo! What's that?" Keefe jumped up and down excitedly. I sighed. Keefe was acting like a kid that just got free candy. "That's a water park Keefe." 

"Can we go?!" 

He looked at me pleadingly, giving me the damn puppy dog eyes. "Fineeee. That's playing dirty!" I finally huffed, giving in. 

"Yes!!!" he dragged me over to the entrance. I to buy ourselves swimsuits, since I didn't think we were even going to go swimming. I guessed Keefe's size and handed the suit to him to change into. 

We both left to our respective changing rooms.

My swimsuit was a green floral one piece. The elves favorite color. Locking my belongings into a nearby locker, I put on sunscreen and walked out. 

When I came out, I scanned the area looking for Keefe. I saw him standing near the pool deck, looking a little out of place. He looked like some rich supermodel just standing in a public water park. 

Elves and their stupid good looks. 

My legs turned to jello. The swimsuit I picked out for him fit perfectly. His dirty blonde hair was swept messily to one side, somehow making him look better. Icy blue eyes sparkled with curiosity as they wandered around the area. 

His toned muscles and six pack were on full display, and looked mouthwatering. I mentally smacked myself. Since when was I one of those girls? 

I started walking over to him, and my fists curled into balls when I caught a group of girls ogoling him. 

"Hey Foster!" he called out to me when his icy blue eyes found my plain brown ones. This caused most of the girls stares to go over to me. Only now they were glaring. I shot them a withering glare of my own, before turning back to the idiot who was now only a few feet away from me. 

"What am I suppose to do?" he whispered once I made my way over to him. I laughed. I forgot that elves didn't have any water parks. "You just go into the water Keefe." I said between laughs. He smirked. "Does that mean you too?" 

"Wait wha-"

Soon I felt strong arms push me into the pool. I fell with a loud splash. Water filled my nose and mouth. When I resurfaces, I spluttered and coughed, completely enraged. "Keefe Sencen!" I  screeched. He just stood there in hysterics. 

His victory was short lived. 

I came out of the water, dripping wet. He was still laughing and hadn't noticed me yet.

I came behind him and pushed him with all my might while he tumbled into the water. It was my turn to laugh at him. 

"Awwww! Why Fosterrrr!?" I ignored him and continued to mock him. 

Keefe jumped out and tried to get behind me again, but I quickly moved aside. "I'm not falling for that trick again." I childishly stuck my tongue out at him. 

Keefe smirked again, and before I could try to think of what he could be planning, he grabbed my waist, and dived into the water, me in tow. 

I quickly swan back up, gasping for air. Keefe came up from under me, grabbing my legs to hoist me onto his shoulders. 

he ran around the pool for a little while until I yelled at him for the hundredths time, "Keefe! Put me down now!" I thrashed. he just chuckled. "Have it your way then." 

He let go of me, and I fell backwards into the water. I chased him around, but he caught sight of the water slide. Great. 

"Can we go on that?!" He asked. "It may be too scary for the great Keefe Sencen." I teased. Keefe scoffed.

"You did not!" 

"Come on. Let's just go down." 

I led him up the spiral stairs. "Ladies first." He bowed to let me through. I rolled my eyes at him. When the life guard told me it was okay to go, I slide down the dark tunnel. I slid down at full speed, making lots of twists and turns. I was getting a little dizzy. 

Soon, a bright light shone all around me, and I splashed back into the pool.

I waited near the exit for Keefe. Hearing screaming, squealing, and whooping, right before  Keefe landed with a resounding splash in front of me. 

Joy was written all over his face. We both went down a few more times, before Keefe's stomache growled. 

"Wanna get something to eat?" 


"I know a good restaurant near here." 

"Then what are we waiting for?" He pumped his fist in the air. 

I could only shake my head. 

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