Idk what to call this

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(Sophie's POV)

"aww! aren't they cute?" "We should wake them up." "Grady! no, be quite!" I groaned. I blinked awake, seeing Grady and Edaline at the foot of my bed. "Look! You woke her up!" Edaline hissed. I sat up. Keefe was still sleeping peacefully. His hair as messy as ever, however she found it strangely adorable. Suddenly, his ice blue eyes opened. "Wow, there's a party in here!" He yawned. "I need to have a talk with you Mr.!" Grady grumbled. "Well, that's my cure to leave. See you Foster!" He quickly leaped away. "What did you do last night?" Edaline asked. "We didn't do anything!" I promised. Edaline still looked at me skeptically. "Okay..." 

I was eating my green glop for breakfast ,that tasted like waffles, when my imparter rang. "Hey Sophie!" Biana's face flashed on. "Wanna play base quest with us? Tam, Linh, Keefe, and Dex are already here." "Sure! I'll be there soon!" I quickly finished my food, and went upstairs to get dressed. 

"My! You need to fix your hair!" Vertina gasped as I checked myself in the mirror. My hair looked fine to me. "What do you mean?" "Here, I'll instruct you." I reluctantly followed Vertina's instructions. I didn't want to admit it, but It did look a lot better. "Ok, thanks Vertina!" I stepped out of range before she said anything else, then leaped to Everglen. 

I waited at the big glowing gates of Everglen. Fitz came out to open them for me. "Wow Sophie! Vertina got you to do your hair?" I laughed. "Yup!" When I entered the Vacker's house, Keefe just stared at me, Biana & Linh squealed, and Dex smiled with Tam. "Wow Sophie! you look great! Vertina finally got you to do your hair!" Biana sounded like a little kid being handed free candy. "Can we play base quest  now?" I asked,  starting to feel uncomfortable. Not a second later, Keefe screamed "I CALL FOSTER ON MY TEAM!" I sighed. "We can be the unstoppable Team-Keefefoster!" I smiled. My heart fluttering. "Fine Keefe." "Come on Foster! How many times do I have to tell you, you can't lie to an empath! I know you love being on my team." We all laughed at Keefe's frustration. 

We all had fun playing base quest. Me and Keefe won almost every time. One time, Fitz and Linh won. Linh had created a water wall along their base. While everyone were trying to figure out how to get through, Fitz had tagged everyone. "You guys make a good team!" I teased. They both blushed. This time, powers were not allowed. "Foster, you take base while I distract." I nodded. We sent off in different direction. Right when I was at their base, a huge hole opened in front of me. I panicked. I knew what was coming out of it. Sure enough, two ogres jumped out. I was ready to inflict on them, but they had a medler ready. They blasted Sophie a few times. The world turned hazy. They last thing she heard were people calling her name. "Sophie! SOPHIE!" Then she blacked out. 

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