Sleep talking

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"H-aruu..." Makoto slurred in his sleep.
Haru was wide awake, making sure that Makoto didn't wake up with another nightmare. He watched as Makoto flipped and turned all orotund in his sleep. His mouth slightly agape and his hair in his face. He let out quiet snores that made Haru chuckle every once in a while.
"I love yooou." Makoto mumbled.
Haru's eyes widened and he looked at Makoto's face closely to make sure that he was asleep. Haru tried his best to brush off what his friend had just let slip in his sleep.
"He's just being platonic." Haru told himself over and over again. "He doesn't love me romantically or anything."
Makoto turned to face Haru. He was so close that Haru could feel his body heat.
"He doesn't love me romantically....right?"
Haru turned over on his back and stared at the boring white ceiling. He couldn't sleep, his mind was too awake.
"What would happen if he ended up confessing his love to me?" Haru ran countless scenarios through his head.
"I guess I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with Makoto. I mean, if I had to choose any male to marry, it would definitely be Makoto. I mean, he's my best friend and it's nice to have him around and he's not unattractive... at all."
Makoto continued to mumble incoherent words in his sleep as he turned over and over again.
"Man, does this dude ever stay still?!"
Makoto wrapped his arms around Haru and snuggled into him. Haru tried to stay as still as he could while Makoto clung to his arm.

"This is kind of awkward..." Haru continued to think. "....actually... it's kinda nice, having someone so close to me. Someone so warm... and cute."
"Oh my god, Haru, what the hell are you thinking?! You aren't into him!"
"But he's still attractive, I don't need to be into him to realize and appreciate his features."
"Are you kidding me, Haru?! That sounded the most gay out of everything you said so far!"
"Shut up, Haru!"

At 8:00 a.m. Makoto opened his eyes. As he did so, his face heated up as he flushed. He was wrapped around Haru's arm.

"Haru." Makoto whispered. He shook Haru awake.

"Makoto?" Haru yawned.

"Good morning."

"Oh, morning" Haru said before he plopped onto his back once again and covered himself with blankets.

"Haru!" Makoto whined. "You can't go back to bed yet, did you forget what day it is?"

"Huh?" Haru scratched the top of his head.

"We're meeting Nagisa at Rei's pool." Makoto dead-panned.

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that."

Makoto got out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom that he and Haru share. He looked at his rugged face. He had slight bags under his eyes and his skin looked sickly. He turned on the faucet and watched the water as it hit his palms. He scooped the cold water up and splashed his face. A jolt of shock erupted and he was wide awake.
After he brushed his teeth, he made his way to the kitchen to grab an apple for breakfast. Haru was already down there making his daily mackerel.

"I'm sorry about last night." Makoto said sheepishly.
Haru turned around to face his friend. "Why are you apologizing?"
"I didn't mean to make you take care of me like I'm sick or anything." Makoto walked to the table and sat down. He folded his hands and twiddled his thumbs anxiously. "I mean, you could have just stayed in your room and probably get a better nights sleep and you wouldn't have to worry about me and—."
Haru cut him off. "Makoto, I don't mind at all. I don't want you to hide from me like before. I want to be able to help you so that you don't end up hurting yourself like before."
Haru sat down by Makoto and quickly ate his breakfast before he got ready to leave.

"Hey guys!" Rei shouted over to them.
"Hey!" Makoto shouted back before heading towards Rei at the pool.
Nagisa was already in the pool swimming. "Hey babe, when are the others going to get-."
Nagisa stopped once he saw Makoto and Haru.
"Did you just say babe?!" Haru and Makoto exclaimed in unison.
"Well, shit." Nagisa deadpanned.

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