Ill take care of you today part 1

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A.N. There will be a part 2 because my friend destielfangirl84 wanted a chapter today so I will publish what I have and then finish the rest in the second part.

Haru and Makoto made it back home and immediately, Makoto walked Haru over to the couch.
"Sit down. I'll get a blanket and pillow." Makoto said before jogging up the stairs to retrieve the items he wanted.

Haru plopped onto the couch. All of his crying had made him exhausted and he thinks that sleep would probably be the best thing for him at the moment.

Makoto came back down the stairs with an excessive amount of pillows and blankets along with the stuffed dolphin that Haru had given him.

"Mako, I really don't need that much." Haru's voice was scratchy and sore but he could get past the uncomfortableness if he was talking to Makoto.

"Shush. I'm taking care of you. You need plenty of blankets and pillows and some water and I'll make some food and you can take a nap." Makoto said fiercely.

He placed a large red flannel blanket on Haru's body and handed him a pillow before he completely submerged Haru into a nest of coziness. Lastly he held out the stuffed dolphin plushie and handed it to Haru.

"Makoto, this is yours." Haru said, referring the the dolphin.
"Well, you need it more than I do right now." And with that being said Makoto spun on his heel to get a glass of water for Haru.

"Thanks," Haru said as he was handed the glass of water before setting it on the table beside him.

"No problem. Now get some rest." Makoto gave Haru a kiss on his forehead and left to go to the kitchen.
Haru was slowly dozing off. The events of earlier were making his head ache and he closed his eyes trying to ease some of the pain.
He cuddled further into the bundle of blankets and left only above his eyes poking out. He hugged the plushie and felt his breathing fall a little slower until he had fallen asleep.
Makoto grabbed multiple ingredients from the now filled cabinets and fridge before he tied an apron around his waist.

He hummed quietly as he mixed all the ingredients and preheating the oven. He shaped the dough and placed them on a baking sheet and continued making food until the oven dinged.

He put the pan into the oven and made more food before he cleaned up the mess of a kitchen. Flour was everywhere and there was a mountain of dishes, but it would be worth it.

The kitchen began filling up with the aroma of a bakery and he was delighted when the timer rang and he was finally able to pull out the cookies he had made.

They weren't anything special, just a chocolate chip cookie recipe he found on Pinterest (yes Makoto has his own Pinterest account).

He heard Haru stir around on the couch and reached to grab the glass of water. Then he heard the glass shatter as Haru dropped it first onto himself, and then onto the floor.

Makoto grabbed the broom and dustpan before quickly walking back into the living room. Haru's shirt was soaked and so was part of the blanket on top of the others.

"I'm sorry!" Haru apologized. "It was an accident."
Makoto just ruffled his hair a little bit before bending down to clean up the pieces of glass littered on the floor.

Once Makoto made sure that all of the shards were cleaned up he pulled the blankets off of Haru and carried him upstairs.

"Makoto? Where are we going?" Haru asked as he held onto Makoto's neck tightly.

"You're clothes got wet you're gonna take a bath and then change into pajamas." Makoto said casually.

"Makooo, I'm not a baby." Haru whined.

"Yes you are, you're my baby and I'm taking care of you today."

Haru felt a blush creep up his face and he buried his face into Makoto's neck.
Makoto chuckled and set him down on the toilet seat.
He warmed up the water before filling the tub and dropping a few handfuls of epsom salt into the warm water.
He walked over to Haru and lifted his wet shirt off of his body as well as the rest of his clothes.

Once Makoto made sure that Haru got into the tub, he went to put the clothes in the hamper and grab some pajamas.
Once Makoto got the pajamas, he went back by Haru who was seeming to have a very spiritual journey with the water.
His eyes were closed and he was running his fingertips through the water, creating small waves.

"Haruka?" Makoto laughed.
Haru nearly jumped out of his own skin. "Makoto! You scared the hell out of me!"
Makoto laughed more before speaking again. "What were you even doing?"
"I was enjoying the feeling of the water."
"Okaaaay. So are you done with that now?" Makoto asked as he grabbed a towel.

Haru nodded and stood up. Water dripped off his body that was obviously naked, and Makoto turned his head away trying to keep any thoughts from corrupting his innocent mind. (Innocent my ass- sorry)
He shoved the towel towards Haru who was oblivious. Once he was dried off almost completely he slipped on the pajamas that Makoto had brought for him.

"Come on, I made mackerel and cookies" Makoto grabbed Haru's hand and dragged him out of the bathroom.

"I like mackerel" Haru said before he ran down the stairs.

Okay so I'm not even joking when I say that I tried typing "Haru slipped on the pajamas Makoto brought for him" or whatever. But I wasn't looking at the keyboard and I typed pajamas wrong and it autocorrected to Obama's and I died in the middle of a soccer stadium building thing.

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