The End: Time for a Wedding

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Putting this cosplay up again because it is a close tie between this one being my favorite and another one but this one fit the chapter better

It was finally the day. It was May 10th and both Haru and Makoto were both in separate small cabins getting dressed. They chose an outdoor wedding, seemingly that it was both cheaper as well as prettier in their opinions.

The guests weren't to arrive yet but of course some people were there to help set up. It was a small wedding so setting up barely took an hour and a half.

Haru was accompanied by Rei as he was adjusting his tie in the mirror and Rei complimenting how fancy he appeared under his usual glare.

The laughter was loud coming from Makoto's small cabin with Nagisa as Nagisa cracked jokes and reminisced about his favorite "Makoharu moments" as he called them.

"Do you remember that one time where Haru had left us to go get food and we kept calling him and we were running around looking for them and you almost walked up to a police officer to report him missing?" Nagisa reminded.

Makoto snorted. "Yeah, well what can I say? It's Haru! I'm sure he would've gotten himself killed at some point while he was away from us."
Ren and Ran skipped around placing platters of desserts on plates at the place of the reception (which was the same place just a little bit further away).

"Ugh I cant wait to eat these!" Ren exclaimed as he placed the mini eclairs on a platter.

"Same!" Ran groaned as she looked over the desserts, practically drooling.

"Hey, what time is it?" Ren asked as he finished putting the food out. Ran looked down at her watch.

"Oh my god it's 11:30! The wedding starts in 30 minutes!" She exclaimed. The two siblings looked at each other with panic on their faces before they sprinted back to the cabins.

They arrived at the cabin where Makoto was with heaving chests and heavy breathing. Ran pounded on the door with both fists and when the door swung open she nearly knocked the wind out of Nagisa.

"Mako-nii!" Ran tried to yell but she was still catching her breath. Makoto popped his head out from the other side of the room to see his sister and brother standing there with red faces and hands on their knees.

"Are you guys okay? Do you need your inhalers?!" Makoto panicked as he began to rummage through everything.

"Mako-nii, were okay. It's just the wedding—it starts in like 25 minutes." She explained.

Makoto stopped searching and froze in place. He turned around, his hand over his mouth. "Oh my god...I'm getting married in 25 minutes! You are marrying Haruka, you've been dreaming of this moment since you were little and now it's finally here. What are we going to do after this?" Makoto's mind was running wild with thoughts.

"NII-SAN!!!" Ran yelled loudly, making Makoto jump out of both his thoughts and his skin.

"The wedding, right!" Makoto was completely losing it. He was jittery with nerves and excitement as he looked over himself in the mirror one last time. He wore a black suit just like Haru—although he didn't know it yet—and had a white handkerchief folded delicately in his breast pocket. His hair was actually brushed for once and parted to the side, exposing his forehead. Nagisa had been begging to put blush on him but Makoto knew that by the time he saw Haru, his cheeks would already be pink.

Makoto caught a glimpse of how everything was set up before he was ushered up to the front of the aisle. In his moments of panic, guests had begun to show up, all of them showing smiles and some being over dramatic and fake crying—that would be Nagisa.

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