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Makoto quickly ran to the door. He wanted to escape. He had to escape. His head was buzzing and he felt his chest tightening.

"Makoto, aren't you going to answer my question?" Kisumi mocked. He got up and was directly behind Makoto. He could feel his hot breath on his neck and ear. A hand gripped his wrist.
Makoto froze. He has been in this situation one too many times. Felt the touch of a bully on his skin. Felt the crushing force in his bones.
He was paralyzed.
Tears brimmed at Makoto's blood shot eyes. He felt his ears and nose burn as more tears gathered, threatening to fall.
"I thought this was over. I thought the pain was over. I escaped... I thought I escaped this fear." Makoto panicked.
"It's okay, Mako. You can tell me." Kisumi cooed. He moved in front of the taller male and looked his face over. He was shaking and a few tears fell. Kisumi wiped away the tears on his face.
Not once has Makoto ever wanted to flinch. But at this point, he wished he could. He wished that he could move. Wished that he could jump at the slightest touch. To shift in his place when eyes gazed at him. But he couldn't. He was too consumed with fear.

He felt a force push him back and he stumbled back to the couch. His back hit the cushion and Kisumi soon followed, straddling his lap.

"Come on Makoto, you're stronger than him. Your taller. Your bigger. Just push him off. All you have to do is move!"

"K-ki" Makoto barely croaked out.
"Hm? What was that?" He smirked, his arms wrapping around the others neck.
"Stop." Makoto tried to sound strong, but his voice came out as a whimper.
This only seemed to fuel Kisumi's enjoyment.
"You sound so cute and.... vulnerable, when you're whimpering like that." Kisumi started. "Even seeing you like this. Underneath me, too scared to move... it's kind of.. arousing." He chuckled deeply.
Makoto's eyes pricked with tears again, and his panic was overwhelming. Kisumi shifted his hips up closer to Makoto's.

God he wanted to flinch!

Kisumi was intrigued. "Just how far can this go before Makoto breaks." Kisumi pondered to himself. His hands traveled. They slid down to his shoulders, no reaction, and then to his chest.
His hands slithered under his T-shirt. Kisumi was getting frustrated. He wanted a reaction. He craved it.
After being fed up with waiting for the reaction he wanted, Kisumi trailed down and traced the waist of his jeans. And that did it.

Makoto finally let out a reaction. His breath hitched and he jumped as he felt the button being undone.
"There you are!" Kisumi exclaimed. "So, now that you're finally out of your little daze, tell me... have you fallen for Haru?"
Makoto glanced to the floor. He didn't have to tell him anything!
"I don't know what you're talking about." Makoto let out a low croak. His eyes darkened along with his expression.
"So... you wouldn't mind if I went and got into his pants, now would you?" Kisumi teased.
Makoto scoffed. "He hates you. He would never let you do that."
Kisumi's lips tugged upward into a sadistic grin. "Well, I could always force him." He enjoyed seeing Makoto's normally gentle and shy face changed to that of a predator.
"If. You. So. Much. As. Lay. A. Single. Fucking. Finger. On. Him. Then. So. HELP. ME. GOD. I. Will. Destroy. You!" Makoto spat out venomous words at Kisumi, before regaining his strength. With one swift movement he flipped Kisumi over and pinned him.
"That's the reaction I wanted." Kisumi smiled wickedly.
Makoto quickly got up and walked out the door, making sure to slam it hard enough to shake the pictures on the walls.

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