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*This song heavily influenced this chapter*
Makoto looked down.

"It's not as bad as you're thinking. I can tell you that." Makoto began. "Nothing physical happened. He didn't hurt me or assault me or anything but when we were up here he did say something. It was when my mom and him were having a huge fight and so he left and took me with him. I thought that when we got up here that he was going to beat me and then bury me alive or something. I think that's what he had in mind too. But something changed his mind. I don't know if it was a god trying to save me or if he decided that he would kill me a different day."

Haru listened intently to the story and clasped his hand around Makoto's.

"We were going to spend the night up here, we brought the tent and sleeping bags and all that. But even though he wasn't beating me, it doesn't mean that he had changed. Instead of physically beating me down, after a few beers he verbally attacked me."

"What did he say?" Haru asked. He could hear Makoto sniffle and saw him wipe at his eyes.
"You're worthless" he spat. Makoto's lips quivered in fear as his father's voice boomed louder than any other thoughts that could save him. So he had to listen. "You're just gonna be used the rest of your life! When are you going to understand?!

That you are my property. You are a slave to me. Nothing but a toy. And when I'm done with you, you will be used up and dirty and no one will ever want you."
Makoto's explanation was cut off by Haru engulfing him in his embrace. Makoto hadn't realized that tears were dripping from his chin.

"Don't listen to a word he said." Haru began. "You're not used up or dirty. And even if you were, I'd still want you."

"Haruka" Makoto mumbled before letting out a quiet sob.

After all these years of hearing those words being thrown at him, who would have thought that just hearing Haru's words once would destroy his father's claims.

"I love you so much." Haru said. He felt Makoto nod.

"I love you too Haru."
After Makoto had calmed down, Haru and Makoto each grabbed one of the kids and gently placed them on the back seat of the car, buckling them in.

The drive home was a little longer than they would usually prefer, but it was peaceful. The sky was still dark and the traffic had slowed down. Most of the lights were off as they passed the main part of the city. The soft music playing through the radio lulled Haruka to sleep in the passenger seat.
Sorry that was such a terrible chapter. I had a different version of this chapter but I decided to publish this version instead. I'm not really sure what to write anymore for this. I mean I still have ideas I'm just having some trouble trying to develop the plot in order to get to where I want it to be. But anyway, thanks for reading!

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